Monday, April 30, 2012

Pedro Villegas

Why YOUR Company Must Become a Tech Company - Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram Lesson

Recently Apple put out statements saying that they projects their companies to be worth $643 billion in 12 months. Many investors seem optimistic about these numbers. I personally thought it was ridiculous that would put Apple more valuable than Spain Greece and other countries all put together. But then I started to think maybe they're right when reading the article I found that the country has shifted and we no longer believe in hard assets. We believe in technology and information. Being in the informational age I found this crazy number might be reachable. One of the main reasons I found was the evaluation of Internet-based sites were example Amazon Amazon is a retailer that specializes on e-commerce. Recently Amazon has been growing faster than any other retailer due to their online presence. Since we no longer consider hard assets to have any value the big box stores seems to be going out of business example of this would be Sears. Sears used to be one of the largest retail stores in the world but now is down to nothing. Then you see Walmart with research store size also the amount of stores in the area and still show no increase in stock. After I started this on that article I started to believe that Apple may be worth $640 billion in 12 months. I also found that companies that don't want to use e-commerce and technology will fall victim and go bankrupts. Another great example of why Apple is correct is Facebook as everyone knows Facebook has grown in the millions of users and shows no signs of slowing down.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Homework 9

Homework #9
Kimberly Lawlor

                The article I chose was called Announcing YouTube Analytics and the next generation in insight this article was released November 30th. The main point of this article was focusing on the fact that, “Video’s transcend language and cultural barriers.” Watching a video is so different than just a capture of a moment and or picture because a video shows a real human’s movements and actions all across the globe, no matter if it is a serious, funny, or upsetting video everyone can see this. It is becoming so popular that any video filmed in a small city like for example it talks about a video in Brooklyn that had more than ten million views right here in the United States made its way outside the United States and was viewed two times that amount to 30 Million viewers; 5% from brazil and 5% from Russia! It states that all these video’s whether they are important or not, people all around the world can view these and often get a good laugh or understand of your video and often connect in the same situation and have a strong appreciation for the videos being posted.
                On YouTube you have been able to see who the people watching your videos are and where they come from. So now they are making a new tool to learn about your audience that is watching your videos, through Insight! This is being released to every person on their modern browser. Some of the features of this browser are the quick overview which is just an overview that gives all information that you really will care about, and also let you access detailed information. The detailed reports give statistics so you can get a better understanding of you video and audience.  Audience builders figures out which videos are getting the most views. And last but not least with the Audience retention you can see how far the viewers are watching throughout your video in the new audience retention report you receive.
            They also created a Creator playbook to show you how to use this new Analytics key so you can build viewers up and engage with a bigger crowd of people and make even better videos with more viewers as well as earn money. What could be better than that!?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Homework #9

Shayne McNally

Homework #9

The article I chose to write about was 5 New Tech Jobs and What They Pay.  This particular article talked about the types of jobs available now in the technological field, and also what new jobs are likely to become more popular in the near future.  The first job that the article listed was the "Virtual Concierge."  Virtual Concierges typically work in high end hotels and apartments.  There job is to assist customers with everyday needs and dealing with any problems or questions that they may have.  They help individuals with making phone calls and reservations or writing emails.  Concierges usually make about $28,500 - $32,730.

The second job that the article listed was a "Mobile Application Developer".  This job is for people who generally program and help in developing applications for certain products and mobile devices like Apple, Android, Microsoft, and others too.  Many developers make applications for social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.  Mobile Application Developers typically make between $61,000 and $67,000 a year.

The third job listed in the article was an "Online Reputation Manager".  This title involves monitoring all aspects of the internet for negative news and publicity.  When something negative or derogitory is found, it is their job to find a way to get rid of it.  The objective of this job is two ensure that all information that appears about a business or individual is positive. These managers usually get paid anywhere from $50,100 to $66,040 a  year.

The fourth job that was listed in the article is an "Online Store Owner".  This job is for those who want to sell any unwanted goods that they have.  Examples of this are people who use EBay to auction off whatever they are selling.  Whatever these online sellers make depends on what they sell and how much they sell for. 

The fifth and final job listed was a "Multimedia Consent Producer".  This job is usually someone who is up to date with modern and future technology.  They usually make about $35,500 to $54,570 a year. 

Five new jobs that can make you some $$$$$$$$$

In the article “5 New Jobs and What they Pay” talks about how “Job growth is a rarely heard term in the current economy, but as hundreds of thousands of people search for jobs, they might discover the wealth of opportunities available that center around technology. These new tech jobs range from revamps of old career options to professions that were unheard of mere years ago”  To me this shows that if you are seriously looking for a job then you should look in to a job in the information Technology department because there are many job possibilities that pay well.

In the article it talks about 5 specific jobs in the information technology department and how they pay. These jobs are; a virtual concierge, a mobile application developer, a online reputation manager, an online store owner, and a multimedia content producer. I believe that all three of these are types of jobs in the information technology department that are obtainable to the common person if they know how to use simple technology skills such as email, Microsoft office, and QuickBooks. Simple applications are at our everyday use. People just need to know how to use them.
According to the news article these jobs are not just jobs to get by; these are jobs that you can make a living off of. A virtual concierge can make an average of $28,500 to $32,720 a year, which isn’t that much but it is enough to live off of if you are seriously hurting. A mobile application developer can make between $61,000 and $67,000 a year. An online reputation manger can make $50,100 to $66,040 a year. An online store owner could make any amount of money depending on what it is you are selling. And a multimedia content producer can make an average paycheck of $35,500 to $54,570. The bottom line is that there are new opportunities to create or expand a career in the tech field are abundant for those who are willing to be innovative and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

How Cloud Computing is Changing Many Job Descriptions

Remember I put the picture late

I am writing this blog about how cloud computing is a game changer for many companies, but it is also changing the nature of jobs itself. It really is changing the ways of the information technology department and other parts of the work world as well. This will change a lot for the chief information officer because of all the strategic roles it plays in the direction of business. There are a lot of responsibilities to identify and leverage resource- whether they come from the cloud or the company's own data center.  There a lot of facts that show that cloud is able to help chief information officers spend more time on business strategy and innovation. It is also known to help them see their position as valuable manager’s paths, to pursue other management roles.
They are problems to cloud also is that companies like global marketing will have lots of trouble finding people to who have the skills to make everything work together. When companies switch to cloud there is a need for professional and managers that are more focused on business development than they are in application development. This is a strong argument because there are so many things that people can say about cloud.  By them being more focused on application development this will make thing a lot easier because of the fact of more productivity in these companies. 

This will also create greater opportunists for architects, and some off shoots will include cloud architect, cloud capacity, planners, services managers and business solutions consultant. Another good thing is that Software engineers are starting to be in a great spot as a result of the growth of cloud. A list of companies is making applications for smart phones and tablets. Also if people want to develop ‘cloud’ software hosted online. By this happening this will make the job market for software engineers bigger and better for all types of people. Personally I think that cloud would make a big Difference in the world because of the list of thing it can offer. When it comes down to making chief information officers better at what they do, or making the best of a company as much as they can.

HW #9

I read 5 New TechJobs And What They Pay which was posted on November 23, 2010 by Porcshe Moran.

Although this article is two years old, it’s interesting to see what some of these still up-and-coming jobs in the Information Technology field are. Understanding how to program is probably one of the most beneficial skills – not only for the traditional programming job but also for a job as a mobile application developer. I would imagine that being a mobile application developer is an even better job to have now than it was two years ago. My reasoning is that mobile applications have really prospered and I believe they will continue to prosper as computers merge into phones and tablets.

Online reputation management is a very interesting job as well. Having a positive reputation online is key to personal branding. Some even argue that having no online reputation at all is just as bad as having a bad online reputation. I myself am very careful of what goes up online and I even receive notifications from Google when my name is added to their search engine in a new way. I would imagine that this job is very difficult, though. I’ve spent a good amount of time myself managing my own reputation and controlling the internet can be quite the task! A search for Ronnie Sinclair on Google doesn’t produce any glaring issues but it does produce four results on the front page that are from pages I’ve created.

My favorite job on this list? Online store owner. I dream of being an entrepreneur one day and when I open up business it will certainly be online. With the internet it’s possible to produce something of high value that can be sold at large quantities around the world. I hope to “open up shop” at some time next year. I’m also familiar with other website owners that run their stores primarily online through eBay and business websites.

All in all, some of these non-typical tech jobs will be very common within the next decade or so and it will be interesting to see how the amount of money people make at these jobs change.

HW #9

The article that I am discussing is called “5 New Tech Jobs and What They Pay.” It was written by Porcshe Moran who is a contributor for Investopedia. The article was published on November 23rd 2010 and the link for the article is here.
 This article that was written discusses 5 New Tech Jobs and What They Pay. Job growth is a rarely heard term in the current economy, but as hundreds of thousands of people search for jobs, they might discover the wealth of opportunities available that center around technology. Here are the 5 new jobs.

The first one is a Virtual Concierge. What a Virtual Concierge does is that they assist businesses and individuals with various tasks such as writing emails, answering phone, ordering theater tickets and making dinner reservations. They can even do the grocery shopping for a client online through services like Peapod and Netgrocer. The average salary for this position is $28,500 to $32,720 a year.

The second job is a Mobile Application Developer. People make apps every day. Some of them become successful and make great money. What you need to do for this position is a Mac computer and also need to learn Objective C, the primary programming language for the iPhone. This job makes $61,000 and $67,000 a year.

The third job is an in Online Reputation Management. You need a background in Public Relations for this job. An online reputation manager's job is to monitor every square inch of the internet for negative news and other tidbits about their client, and then get rid of it or at least downplay it. The goal is to make sure only positive information about the product or client is available on the internet. This job makes $50,100 to $66,040 a year.

The fourth job is an Online Store Owner. What an online store owner does is that they sell their unwanted items to those who create full-scale boutiques with new merchandise from wholesale suppliers.  There is no set pay for this. 

The final job is a Multimedia Content Producer. What this job entails is knowledge of new technology spanning from video and audio production to social media management and web design. It helps out the struggling newspapers because this position will integrate interactive Flash graphics, blogs and live text and video chats into their coverage. This job makes about $35,500 to $54,570. 

All in All these are great job opportunities but personally I see no career in these fields for me.It is also hard to get into these fields especially to make Mobile Apps because you have to be extremely proficient with computer software. The jobs that are coming out now are quickly changing the workforce and country.