Monday, April 30, 2012

Pedro Villegas

Why YOUR Company Must Become a Tech Company - Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram Lesson

Recently Apple put out statements saying that they projects their companies to be worth $643 billion in 12 months. Many investors seem optimistic about these numbers. I personally thought it was ridiculous that would put Apple more valuable than Spain Greece and other countries all put together. But then I started to think maybe they're right when reading the article I found that the country has shifted and we no longer believe in hard assets. We believe in technology and information. Being in the informational age I found this crazy number might be reachable. One of the main reasons I found was the evaluation of Internet-based sites were example Amazon Amazon is a retailer that specializes on e-commerce. Recently Amazon has been growing faster than any other retailer due to their online presence. Since we no longer consider hard assets to have any value the big box stores seems to be going out of business example of this would be Sears. Sears used to be one of the largest retail stores in the world but now is down to nothing. Then you see Walmart with research store size also the amount of stores in the area and still show no increase in stock. After I started this on that article I started to believe that Apple may be worth $640 billion in 12 months. I also found that companies that don't want to use e-commerce and technology will fall victim and go bankrupts. Another great example of why Apple is correct is Facebook as everyone knows Facebook has grown in the millions of users and shows no signs of slowing down.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Homework 9

Homework #9
Kimberly Lawlor

                The article I chose was called Announcing YouTube Analytics and the next generation in insight this article was released November 30th. The main point of this article was focusing on the fact that, “Video’s transcend language and cultural barriers.” Watching a video is so different than just a capture of a moment and or picture because a video shows a real human’s movements and actions all across the globe, no matter if it is a serious, funny, or upsetting video everyone can see this. It is becoming so popular that any video filmed in a small city like for example it talks about a video in Brooklyn that had more than ten million views right here in the United States made its way outside the United States and was viewed two times that amount to 30 Million viewers; 5% from brazil and 5% from Russia! It states that all these video’s whether they are important or not, people all around the world can view these and often get a good laugh or understand of your video and often connect in the same situation and have a strong appreciation for the videos being posted.
                On YouTube you have been able to see who the people watching your videos are and where they come from. So now they are making a new tool to learn about your audience that is watching your videos, through Insight! This is being released to every person on their modern browser. Some of the features of this browser are the quick overview which is just an overview that gives all information that you really will care about, and also let you access detailed information. The detailed reports give statistics so you can get a better understanding of you video and audience.  Audience builders figures out which videos are getting the most views. And last but not least with the Audience retention you can see how far the viewers are watching throughout your video in the new audience retention report you receive.
            They also created a Creator playbook to show you how to use this new Analytics key so you can build viewers up and engage with a bigger crowd of people and make even better videos with more viewers as well as earn money. What could be better than that!?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Homework #9

Shayne McNally

Homework #9

The article I chose to write about was 5 New Tech Jobs and What They Pay.  This particular article talked about the types of jobs available now in the technological field, and also what new jobs are likely to become more popular in the near future.  The first job that the article listed was the "Virtual Concierge."  Virtual Concierges typically work in high end hotels and apartments.  There job is to assist customers with everyday needs and dealing with any problems or questions that they may have.  They help individuals with making phone calls and reservations or writing emails.  Concierges usually make about $28,500 - $32,730.

The second job that the article listed was a "Mobile Application Developer".  This job is for people who generally program and help in developing applications for certain products and mobile devices like Apple, Android, Microsoft, and others too.  Many developers make applications for social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.  Mobile Application Developers typically make between $61,000 and $67,000 a year.

The third job listed in the article was an "Online Reputation Manager".  This title involves monitoring all aspects of the internet for negative news and publicity.  When something negative or derogitory is found, it is their job to find a way to get rid of it.  The objective of this job is two ensure that all information that appears about a business or individual is positive. These managers usually get paid anywhere from $50,100 to $66,040 a  year.

The fourth job that was listed in the article is an "Online Store Owner".  This job is for those who want to sell any unwanted goods that they have.  Examples of this are people who use EBay to auction off whatever they are selling.  Whatever these online sellers make depends on what they sell and how much they sell for. 

The fifth and final job listed was a "Multimedia Consent Producer".  This job is usually someone who is up to date with modern and future technology.  They usually make about $35,500 to $54,570 a year. 

Five new jobs that can make you some $$$$$$$$$

In the article “5 New Jobs and What they Pay” talks about how “Job growth is a rarely heard term in the current economy, but as hundreds of thousands of people search for jobs, they might discover the wealth of opportunities available that center around technology. These new tech jobs range from revamps of old career options to professions that were unheard of mere years ago”  To me this shows that if you are seriously looking for a job then you should look in to a job in the information Technology department because there are many job possibilities that pay well.

In the article it talks about 5 specific jobs in the information technology department and how they pay. These jobs are; a virtual concierge, a mobile application developer, a online reputation manager, an online store owner, and a multimedia content producer. I believe that all three of these are types of jobs in the information technology department that are obtainable to the common person if they know how to use simple technology skills such as email, Microsoft office, and QuickBooks. Simple applications are at our everyday use. People just need to know how to use them.
According to the news article these jobs are not just jobs to get by; these are jobs that you can make a living off of. A virtual concierge can make an average of $28,500 to $32,720 a year, which isn’t that much but it is enough to live off of if you are seriously hurting. A mobile application developer can make between $61,000 and $67,000 a year. An online reputation manger can make $50,100 to $66,040 a year. An online store owner could make any amount of money depending on what it is you are selling. And a multimedia content producer can make an average paycheck of $35,500 to $54,570. The bottom line is that there are new opportunities to create or expand a career in the tech field are abundant for those who are willing to be innovative and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

How Cloud Computing is Changing Many Job Descriptions

Remember I put the picture late

I am writing this blog about how cloud computing is a game changer for many companies, but it is also changing the nature of jobs itself. It really is changing the ways of the information technology department and other parts of the work world as well. This will change a lot for the chief information officer because of all the strategic roles it plays in the direction of business. There are a lot of responsibilities to identify and leverage resource- whether they come from the cloud or the company's own data center.  There a lot of facts that show that cloud is able to help chief information officers spend more time on business strategy and innovation. It is also known to help them see their position as valuable manager’s paths, to pursue other management roles.
They are problems to cloud also is that companies like global marketing will have lots of trouble finding people to who have the skills to make everything work together. When companies switch to cloud there is a need for professional and managers that are more focused on business development than they are in application development. This is a strong argument because there are so many things that people can say about cloud.  By them being more focused on application development this will make thing a lot easier because of the fact of more productivity in these companies. 

This will also create greater opportunists for architects, and some off shoots will include cloud architect, cloud capacity, planners, services managers and business solutions consultant. Another good thing is that Software engineers are starting to be in a great spot as a result of the growth of cloud. A list of companies is making applications for smart phones and tablets. Also if people want to develop ‘cloud’ software hosted online. By this happening this will make the job market for software engineers bigger and better for all types of people. Personally I think that cloud would make a big Difference in the world because of the list of thing it can offer. When it comes down to making chief information officers better at what they do, or making the best of a company as much as they can.

HW #9

I read 5 New TechJobs And What They Pay which was posted on November 23, 2010 by Porcshe Moran.

Although this article is two years old, it’s interesting to see what some of these still up-and-coming jobs in the Information Technology field are. Understanding how to program is probably one of the most beneficial skills – not only for the traditional programming job but also for a job as a mobile application developer. I would imagine that being a mobile application developer is an even better job to have now than it was two years ago. My reasoning is that mobile applications have really prospered and I believe they will continue to prosper as computers merge into phones and tablets.

Online reputation management is a very interesting job as well. Having a positive reputation online is key to personal branding. Some even argue that having no online reputation at all is just as bad as having a bad online reputation. I myself am very careful of what goes up online and I even receive notifications from Google when my name is added to their search engine in a new way. I would imagine that this job is very difficult, though. I’ve spent a good amount of time myself managing my own reputation and controlling the internet can be quite the task! A search for Ronnie Sinclair on Google doesn’t produce any glaring issues but it does produce four results on the front page that are from pages I’ve created.

My favorite job on this list? Online store owner. I dream of being an entrepreneur one day and when I open up business it will certainly be online. With the internet it’s possible to produce something of high value that can be sold at large quantities around the world. I hope to “open up shop” at some time next year. I’m also familiar with other website owners that run their stores primarily online through eBay and business websites.

All in all, some of these non-typical tech jobs will be very common within the next decade or so and it will be interesting to see how the amount of money people make at these jobs change.

HW #9

The article that I am discussing is called “5 New Tech Jobs and What They Pay.” It was written by Porcshe Moran who is a contributor for Investopedia. The article was published on November 23rd 2010 and the link for the article is here.
 This article that was written discusses 5 New Tech Jobs and What They Pay. Job growth is a rarely heard term in the current economy, but as hundreds of thousands of people search for jobs, they might discover the wealth of opportunities available that center around technology. Here are the 5 new jobs.

The first one is a Virtual Concierge. What a Virtual Concierge does is that they assist businesses and individuals with various tasks such as writing emails, answering phone, ordering theater tickets and making dinner reservations. They can even do the grocery shopping for a client online through services like Peapod and Netgrocer. The average salary for this position is $28,500 to $32,720 a year.

The second job is a Mobile Application Developer. People make apps every day. Some of them become successful and make great money. What you need to do for this position is a Mac computer and also need to learn Objective C, the primary programming language for the iPhone. This job makes $61,000 and $67,000 a year.

The third job is an in Online Reputation Management. You need a background in Public Relations for this job. An online reputation manager's job is to monitor every square inch of the internet for negative news and other tidbits about their client, and then get rid of it or at least downplay it. The goal is to make sure only positive information about the product or client is available on the internet. This job makes $50,100 to $66,040 a year.

The fourth job is an Online Store Owner. What an online store owner does is that they sell their unwanted items to those who create full-scale boutiques with new merchandise from wholesale suppliers.  There is no set pay for this. 

The final job is a Multimedia Content Producer. What this job entails is knowledge of new technology spanning from video and audio production to social media management and web design. It helps out the struggling newspapers because this position will integrate interactive Flash graphics, blogs and live text and video chats into their coverage. This job makes about $35,500 to $54,570. 

All in All these are great job opportunities but personally I see no career in these fields for me.It is also hard to get into these fields especially to make Mobile Apps because you have to be extremely proficient with computer software. The jobs that are coming out now are quickly changing the workforce and country.

HW #9

I read a very interesting article called, "5 New Tech Jobs & What They Pay". I was actually very shocked by a lot of the information that I read pertaining to tech jobs because the pay was not as high as I believed it would be. Basically this article talked about that although the economy is struggling each and every day there are still new jobs that are coming out due to the expansion of Internet usage.

Some of the new jobs that I read about were a little bizarre to think about such as one called and virtual concierge. We all know what a regular concierge does; they great people at the front of high end restaurants or hotels and assist customers in anything that they may need assistance with. This new type of concierge for the virtual world does similar things but just from behind their computers. They may order groceries thru Peapod for a customer, set up dinner reservations for them, writing emails, and even ordering theater tickets. This job pays up to $32,000 just for doing little odds and ends that the average everyday person can do with the basic knowledge of a computer really.

Another job title that I came across was an application developer. In today’s day the majority of us either own a smart phone or an IPhone that is made my Apple. These new application developers are feeding into the already crazy craze of new apps for customers to buy and have on their phones. If they are successful in developing a popular app they could make up to the thousands of dollars per day. Although this seems like it is all good and easy there are a lot of specifics that you need to know to develops apps. One requirement was that you must own a MacBook you cannot own a regular PC or laptop. Also you must be proficient in a tool called Objective C, which I have never even heard about. With that said this hard work and costly computer will only bring you out making $61,000 if your app is successful.

All and all the bottom line is that with the struggling economy there are still new ways to find jobs it is just in a different direction than what other generations are used to. The world is now taking a turn for a technology based world rather than a manual labor world. For more jobs that are up and coming in the technology world you can look at the article on 3 other job titles that were not mentioned.

HW #9

I read the article called “How Cloud Computing is Changing Many Job Descriptions” by Joe McKendrick published on 12/26/2011 on Forbes.  I found it interesting because the article talks about how cloud computing is changing the nature of jobs in the information technology department as well in other parts of the enterprise.  Greg Shields is a partner and principal technologist with Concentrated Technology who talked about how the best and most cost-effective solutions have been built and tested somewhere else.  “You don’t grow your own food.  You don’t raise your own cows anymore for meat.  You go to the grocery store because somebody’s figured out that I can create this experience that is the grocery store, and I can do it at a lower cost, both in time and in dollar cost.”  According to McKendrick, “a majority of 685 CIOs surveyed, 54%, believe that cloud computing has enabled them to spend more time on business strategy and innovation.  Approximately 71% who have adopted cloud computing see their position as a viable path to pursue other management roles, compared to only 44% of non-cloud adopting CIOs.”  Because of the shift to cloud, now there is a demand for managers and professionals who are more focused on business development rather than on application development.  Cloud is now forming the core of the job descriptions.  This helps bridge the gap between the business and IT.  According to Kevin Daley, “cloud will help increase the speed of development and change.  The business architect will be called upon to ensure the strategic relevancy of transformation in a repeatable fashion as cycle times and rollouts happen.”  New job titles now include Cloud Specialist, Cloud Computing Architect, Systems Engineer – Cloud Computing, Lead Software Developer – Cloud Computing Focused, Cloud Architect – Infrastructure, Cloud Alliance Manager and Virtualization & Cloud Computing Subject Matter Expert.  I think that because technology is changing every day, jobs have to change as well.  I feel that since cloud computing is only going to become more popular and make things easier for people, the jobs should focus on the business part more which is why they have been changing.  Amazon Web Services is the largest public cloud provider which just shows how many people are using cloud services right now.

This week, I read a very interesting article about data mining and the pharmaceutical industry. Recently, “A Pfizer-led group plans to buy access to hospital records in New York State to help identify and enroll participants in drug studies”. The process of releasing a new pharmaceutical drug can take up to a billion dollars as well as years to fully test and develop. One of the main reasons why it takes so long is because the pharmaceutical companies cannot find enough patients to do the required testing of the compound being used. One solution which will be implemented this month is to pay hospitals to look through health records of their patients in order to find the appropriate type of person to test the drugs on. 

                5 major drug makers led by Pfizer, are planning to data mine health data of patients from 13 hospitals across New York State to help enroll patients in drug studies. But the deal is not just beneficial to the drug companies by saving time and money, but also to the hospitals supplying the data. It is projected that the participating hospitals could make up to 75 million a year because of the relationship. “This is going to be a game changer, making medicine more of a science and less of an art,” says John Murphy, senior director of clinical analytics for Quintiles Transnational. Federal law prohibits hospitals and medical providers from disclosing personal information pertaining to their patients; such as names addresses and social security numbers. So if a drug company wants to test a new compound or product, they would pay PACeR (Partnership to Advance Clinical electronic Research) to look in the medical records of the participating hospitals, the hospital would them make a  list of patients who meet the requirements the drug makers require. Each medical record would cost between 50,000 and 200,000 dollars.

                Once the drug companies determine the location and number of patients that might qualify, and once it has been approved by a local ethics board, the doctors would contacts their patients and ask for their consent to use the information. This system is designed to protect the patients from having their personal info put into a central data base.

Monday, April 23, 2012

5 New Tech Jobs and what they Pay

5 New Tech Jobs And What They Pay

With the economy behaving in the manner in which it is there are not many job opportunities available and the unemployment rate is higher than ever. In the past it has been jobs in the medical and accounting industries that have always strived because everyone needs medical care and someone to keep track of their money, though with the recent boom in technology the IT field has now entered this very same realm as there will now always be a need for someone to maintain there IT systems.
This is a very large and upcoming field with salaries rising one-percent a year and has in fact presented many new job opportunities. Five most recent new jobs in the field include virtual concierge, mobile application developer, online reputation management, online store owner, and multimedia content producer.
One of the first jobs that I would like to focus on is the position of the online store owner. This is a very unique position in that it offers another option for those who “want to own a store, but not ready for a brick and mortar commitment” ( What this job consists of is selling items over the web and setting up businesses such as online boutiques and online auctions much like eBay. This is a job that offers flexibility while also presenting a great opportunity to make a living due to the want for the availability of goods to purchase online, where items are normally much cheaper and presents the benefit of not having to leave the comfort of your home.
Another job that I would like to focus on is that of the virtual concierge. With a concierge traditionally being one who works at a hotel or apartment building to meet the needs of their customers, “the internet now makes it possible to make a living in customer service from the comfort of home” ( This is a quite lucrative job with an average salary of around $32,000 a year and with the added benefit of being able to work from the comfort of your own home, I could see this being a great opportunity not only for those who would truly enjoy that but also for a spouse in a new family that still needs to make an income and be home for the kids.
All in all I believe that there are many new and lucrative IT jobs appearing and I believe that the career path will soon find itself in the same category of reliable job availability as jobs in the medical and accounting fields.

Blog 9 homework-Ryan Mulvey

Ryan Mulvey
Blog Homework 9
Prof. Lawson
5 New Tech Jobs And What They Pay

November 23, 2010

            The article that I choose to write about, is talking about how hard and rare it is to find a job in the current economy.  The article then talks about how many people are looking and searching for jobs. These thousands of people on the job hunt should really take a look into the technological field. With the new advances in technology there recently has been a huge increase and opportunity centering around technology. The article focuses specifically on 5 new tech jobs, such as; Virtual Concierge, Mobile Application Developer, Online Reputation Management, Online Store Owner, and Multimedia Content Producer.
          It states in the article, “Job growth is a rarely heard term in the current economy, but as hundreds of thousands of people search for jobs, they might discover the wealth of opportunities available that center around technology. These new tech jobs range from revamps of old career options to professions that were unheard of mere years ago.” So what  this means to the thousands of people throughout the United States that are looking for a new job or career, is that there are many new jobs becoming available from new technology. Also there are a lot of jobs that have been technologically out of date and have been canceled, but now these jobs have been revamped to fit this technological period we live in.
            The first job they talk about is, Virtual Concierge. This job has been around for centuries, but as  technology changed, so did this job . The article states “Traditionally, concierges worked in hotels and high-end apartments to provide for the daily needs of guests and residents. The internet now makes it possible to make a living in customer service from the comfort of home.” The job now consist of various tasks, such as writing emails, answering phone, ordering theater tickets and making dinner reservations. The average salary for a virtual concierge starts at $28,500 to $32,720 a year.
            The second job is Online Reputation Management, this job is to monitor the internet for negative news and information about their client, and then get rid of it. There is also a market for programmers who can create tools and applications that make online reputation management easier. The average salary is between $61,000 and $67,000 a year.
            The third job is, Mobile Application Developer. This job is all about developing and creating new mobile smart phone apps. This job’s salary starts at $50,000. You can do this job any where you want, you could even work at home from your bed.
            The fourth job is an Online Store Owner. This job is pretty much owning a vertal business online. The article states, “You can set up shop from where ever you want , in a virtual space and reap the rewards of entrepreneurship. Online sellers range from those who occasionally sell their unwanted items, to those who create full-scale boutiques with new merchandise from wholesale suppliers. “
            The last job talked about is a Multimedia Content Producer. This job is much more complex, than it used to be. When hearing this job title in the past, you thought of a journalist, or a newspaper writer. But now it entails knowledge of new technology, such as video and audio production to social media design. The average salary is $35,500 to $54,570 a year.
            This article relates to our class because, its all about how you have to stay up to date with new technology, to do the simple jobs that were once available in past years. There are many new opportunities for people that are willing to stay up to date with the latest technologies.

REDO hw 8

Coming to your bicycle: wireless braking?

This article was written by Steve Almasy of “Holger Hermanns wasn’t out to change the way people bike.” Hermanns, who is a computer scientist whose mission in life “is to make things safer through well-prepared wireless systems, cycling is just a hobby.” He developed the wireless braking system and it was not until word-of-mouth when he started get national recognition.
Hermanns made the braking system by simply putting sensors on the handle bars and two sensors on each fork on the front of the bike as well as the back of the bike. There is a battery that supplies electricity to the system. Also, the amount of pressure that you grip the handle bar brake with is important. The sensor then determines how fast you want to come to a stop by the pressure you put on the handle bar. To engage the back brakes you simply just pedal in an opposite rotation.
He choose a bike to perform this because it was in expensive and easy to install and easy to determine their calculations. He also said, “It was much safer to crash than say a car or a train”.
Once calls kept coming in from companies and local bike shops is when he realized the big picture of his invention.” The wireless brake works with 99.9999999999997% reliability”, according to a news release from Saarland University.
Bikes are just a prototype of what he looks to do for the wireless technology. He hopes in a years he can develop a wireless braking system to implement on trains.  Hermanns states, “a wireless system could allow more communication between track and trains, and prevent such unnecessary braking. Sensors will also measure brake performance.”
Also, he feels it will impact the daily bike users who use them to go to work and not as helpful towards competitive bike racers as the system weighs too much.
Overall, I feel that this invention shoes very creativity I don’t see how strong of an impact it has. The idea of having no wires on a bike sounds convenient and with no wires you wouldn’t have to worry about them getting in the way or trying to fix or replace them if they break.   Who knows though, maybe it’s the start of a wireless generation and we might look back and say Holger Hermanns started the movement.

hw 9

5 New Tech Jobs And What They Pay    
The article I will be discussing today is written by Porcshe Moran and it increases the awarness of 5 new IT jobs. Now a days everyone should be paying attention to new and developing jobs and this article does just that. As many people know jobs are very hard to come by and with millions of college grads being produced year after year, it is important to stay up to date with the newest career oppurtunities. However, with this article only involving IT related jobs, I hope I can expand your knowledge and awarness of potential jobs.  The 5 jobs include Virtual Concierge, Mobile Application Developer, Online Reputation Management, Online Store Owner, and Multimedia Content Producer.

I'm going to give you a rundown of what each job is, what it requires, and what each jobs pay is.

Virtual Concierge- Concierges work in hotels and high-end apartments and attend to any needs of guests and residents. Now a days the internet makes it possible to make a living in customer service from the comfort of home. A virtual concierge assists businesses and individuals with various tasks such as writing emails, answering phone, ordering theater tickets and making dinner reservations. For example, They can even do the grocery shopping for a client online through services like Peapod and Netgrocer. As a virtual concierge, it makes in convient by which you can work for yourself or be the employee of a larger firm.The average salary for a virtual concierge is roughly $28,500 to $32,720 a year according to

Mobile Application Developer- With smart phones taking over the start of this current decade, don't go no further and start creating mobile apps for millions to download. However, this job entails you to be tech-savvy and have tremendous programming skills. This job can be done at your own pace during your freetime or at a professional development company. Apple is the leading producer of mobile applications, so you'll be required to have a Mac to make the most of this career path. You'll also need to learn Objective C, the primary programming language for the iPhone. There is also a market for applications for social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. "With a good idea and some hard work you could make thousands of dollars a day if your application is a hit with consumers."  The pay for this job is from $61,000 to $67,000 a year. The pay also relays on how successful the App does in the market.

Online Reputation Management- “An online reputation manager's job is to monitor every square inch of the internet for negative news and other tidbits about their client, and then get rid of it or at least downplay it.” You will need a passion for public relations. The one important goal is to make sure that only positive information appears when an internet search is done on the business or individual that they work for. lists salaries in this field at $50,100 to $66,040 a year.

Online Store Owner- If you want to set up a virtual shop and sell merchandise online then this is the job for you. There are two types of online sellers, those who occasionally sell their unwanted items, to those who create full-scale boutiques with new merchandise from wholesale suppliers. You will need marketing, customer service skills and self-motivation. There is no average pay scale, your income is determined on the success of the amount of products your able to market and sell.

Multimedia Content Producer- This job involves the knowledge of new technology of both video and audio production. Also requires intelligence in social media management along with web design. You will need to include Flash graphics, blogs and live text and video chats into coverage. “Multimedia content is also in demand in other communications careers such as public relations and marketing.” Average pay varies from $35,500 to $54,570.



Scott Palmerino

Professor Lawson


April 23, 2012
Why YOUR Company Must Become a Tech Company - Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram Lessons
As you all know… Apple, Amazon and Facebook are probably close too if not the wealthiest websites domains out there today. Well it used to not be like that, back in the day it used to be who owned the most land. For example Kings owned land, and by controlling it captured the value of everything produced on that land. As governments developed, kings started losing leadership, and then it was based on who owned more food and water because that was most important. But then about 120 years ago when manufacturing was based on productivity of machines, for example Thomas Ford, people like him became most powerful. Skipping ahead to the 2000’s where Facebook started to become popular, not only was it being run by a college student but the website was bringing in so much money so fast it was ridiculous. As you all know of instagram, for those who don’t it’s a website where you can upload pictures. Facebook recently got a hold of this website and added it to theirs. People these days are always uploading pictures if not for fun it’s for work. I would have to say these days with technology going the way it is if you don’t start a business on the internet, I almost feel that you won’t do as well. This day in age everything has to do with technology. People using Facebook and Apple are examples of that. This world went from people with land where in power, but not anymore people who own technology are basically in power, for example Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and many more. Overall this article was really good it explained where the world was 120 years ago and where we are now.


How Cloud Computing is Changing Many Job Descriptions


            Just as cloud computing is a game-changer for many companies, it is also changing the nature of jobs – not only within the information technology department, but in other parts of the enterprise as well.” This quote is very significant to the overwhelming technological advances recently unleashed in the past year. Cloud services, which allow you to be able to have information at a reach away even if it was saved on a different piece of machinery is now tangible in this virtual cloud service. With that being said, obviously the dynamics of some core jobs are now evolving as to fit this new frame of ideas and ingenuity. For senior-level executives, especially chief information officers, the changes reflect the more strategic role IT plays in the direction of businesses. For the business, it introduces more reliable and predictable supporting technology.

            According to Greg Shields, IT was sort of lost in their own web of technology and were “making up the rules as we go”. This led to companies and organizations coming together to find what has worked the best through testing elsewhere. The ability to identify and leverage resources, whether they come from the cloud or the company’s own data center, is becoming a key part of IT leaders’ responsibilities.

The ability to introduce and develop valuable cloud computing engagements or infrastructure may even be the ticket to the corner office, as recently discussed in a study from CA Technologies. It concluded that out of 685 CIOs, 54% believed that cloud computing has let them spend more time on business strategy and innovation. This shows that the time management of businesses is actually changing in reflection to this technology.

As a result of the shift to cloud, there is now a large growing demand for professionals and managers that are more focused on business development than they are in application development. This shows that the businesses need new big picture things rather than the little things. Also, there will be greater opportunities for enterprise architects, and some offshoots will include cloud architects, cloud capacity planners, cloud service managers and business solutions consultants. Jobs being created may not always bear the term “cloud” in their titles, but cloud will form the core of their job descriptions.


Homework #9

Michael Brothers

Due: 4/24/2012

Homework #9

Article: 5 New Tech Jobs and What They Pay

With the way today’s economy is the words “job growth” are heard far and few between. In the article “5 New Tech Jobs and What They Pay” gives people an insight on present jobs that are available and those in which are becoming more and more popular in the technology world. The first job listed in the article is a “Virtual Concierge” Usually a concierge works in hotels and high-end apartments to help provide for the daily needs of guests and residents, answering to any questions that they may have. The internet now makes it possible to make a living in customer service from your own home. A Virtual Concierge helps in assisting businesses and individuals with numerous tasks such as writing emails, answering phone, ordering theater tickets and making dinner reservations. The pay scale for this position is on average from $28,500 to $32,720 a year.

The second job title listed is a “Mobile Application Developer” which are for people in the technology field who primarily program and help develop different applications for certain products and mobile devices such as Apple, Android, Microsoft, and other devices such as tablets. There are also application developers for social networking sites such as Facebook, and Twitter. The average pay scale for an application developer is between $61,000 and $67,000 a year.

“Online Reputation Management” is the third job listed in the article. The job of an online reputation manager is to monitor all aspects of the internet for negative news and other tidbits about their clients, once negative news has been found it is there job to help abolish the news or at least lower the level of activity for it. The main purpose of this position is to make sure that only positive information appears when an internet search is done on the business or the particular individual that this company is working for. The average pay scale for this particular job is from $50,100 to $66,040 a year. The fourth position listed is an “Online Store Owner” which is used for people who want to sell their unwanted goods. EBay is known as the most popular “auction house” which is used daily by millions, who enjoy virtual shopping. The average pay scale is made by you yourself; depending on how many products sell on your site will generate the owner of the sites profit.

The final position is a “Multimedia Consent Producer” which is a person who is up to date with today’s new technology and is following all the new and upcoming technology that has recently been released or is going to be released in the near future. Multimedia content is also in demand in other careers such as public relations and marketing. The pay scale for a Multimedia Consent Producer is on average from $35,500 to $54,570

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hw 9 Dan

Daniel DeLuca


Homework 9

5 New Tech Jobs And What They Pay

The article that I read was entitled 5 New tech Jobs and What They pay which was written by Investopedia. The article was about these five new jobs that have been created in the technology field and how much they can offer someone interested in pursuing one of them. The first job was called Virtual Concierge. The job itself has been around for a while but the field has altered it slightigy. According to the article the internet makes it possible to change the way we do customer service; “Traditionally, concierges worked in hotels and high-end apartments to provide for the daily needs of guests and residents. The internet now makes it possible to make a living in customer service from the comfort of home”. They pay itself was pretty straight forward. You can work for yourself or be the work with a large firm. The pay is between. $28,500 to $32,720 a year. The second job was Mobile Application Developer. What they do according to the article is make apps for people so when people use the phrase there’s an app for that they actually make it; “ This job can be done from your bedroom as a freelancer or at a professional development company. Apple is the leading producer of mobile applications, so you'll need a Mac to make the most of this career path. You'll also need to learn Objective C, the primary programming language for the iPhone. The average mobile application developer makes between $61,000 and $67,000 a year. The third job is Online Reputation Management. What a person with this profession does is “To monitor every square inch of the internet for negative news and other tidbits about their client, and then get rid of it or at least downplay it”. The average salary in this field is at $50,100 to $66,040 a year. The fourth job is Online Store Owner who basically owns virtual space and reaps the rewards of entrepreneurship. According to the article; “Online sellers range from those who occasionally sell their unwanted items, to those who create full-scale boutiques with new merchandise from wholesale suppliers”.  The average pay for a job like this varies depending on the success of the business. The fifth and final job is Multimedia Content Producer which basically does inline news because it seems today that people are much more attracted to the flash graphics as well as blogs and videos. Those interested in these jobs can expect an average paycheck of $35,500 to $54,570 a year. After reading this article I learned a lot of jobs related to technology. First of I had no idea the rapid growth in the field itself. After analyzing all of the jobs posted I thought that the Multimedia Content Producer was really interesting. I agreed with the article because I know that if I want to know what’s going on in the news I go online because I find it much more interesting. The pay itself was not too bad either considering the way the economy is. Another job that I thought was very interesting was the Virtual Concierge position. I feel that I could do that job very easily considering its just dealing with people. Another really interesting benefit was that you could simply do that job on your couch if you wanted. The only thing that would scare me away from the job was the little pay. Those numbers in this economy would probably not do it.

HW #9 ollie

Review done by Oliver Allen
How Cloud Computing is Changing Many Job Descriptions by Joe McKendrick of Forbes Magazine,
April 21st, 2012
Within my reading I have learned that IT has a huge impact on the directions a company goes, like the strategic roles a senior-level executive may use. By using a strong IT source, the company has more reliable outcome and is more efficient. Using IT there is more cost efficient solutions. “Just as cloud computing is a game-changer for many companies, it is also changing the nature of jobs – not only within the information technology department, but in other parts of the enterprise as well.”
The new concept of IT’’s ability to identify and leverage sources has allowed a “cloud” data center for companies, which requires a great responsibility for IT leaders. Cloud computing has become a key component to IT job sources as cloud computing “Approximately 71% who have adopted cloud computing see their position as a viable path to pursue other management roles, compared to only 44% of non-cloud adopting CIOs”. A problem that can occur is the skills that make the cloud work, you need an IT guru with a high IQ for information systems, which can be difficult to find. But as this job enterprise has increases, they is a growing demand for those type of professionals which I would say helps development of the architecture of the cloud service software, and capacity of the cloud. “As a result of the shift to cloud, there is growing demand for professionals and managers that are more focused on business development than they are in application development. There will be greater opportunities for enterprise architects, and some offshoots will include cloud architects, cloud capacity planners, cloud service managers and business solutions consultants”. As IT has developed a “new” type of workflow within the cloud systems, which I would say, makes things more complicated and creates more jobs for those without, as the “infrastructure enablers. By using the cost efficient cloud the price will be more cost efficient and allow the company to grow faster and more purposeful. In the end the cloud is going to revolutionize companies of all sizes and allow them to grow beyond measurements.