Monday, April 23, 2012


Scott Palmerino

Professor Lawson


April 23, 2012
Why YOUR Company Must Become a Tech Company - Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram Lessons
As you all know… Apple, Amazon and Facebook are probably close too if not the wealthiest websites domains out there today. Well it used to not be like that, back in the day it used to be who owned the most land. For example Kings owned land, and by controlling it captured the value of everything produced on that land. As governments developed, kings started losing leadership, and then it was based on who owned more food and water because that was most important. But then about 120 years ago when manufacturing was based on productivity of machines, for example Thomas Ford, people like him became most powerful. Skipping ahead to the 2000’s where Facebook started to become popular, not only was it being run by a college student but the website was bringing in so much money so fast it was ridiculous. As you all know of instagram, for those who don’t it’s a website where you can upload pictures. Facebook recently got a hold of this website and added it to theirs. People these days are always uploading pictures if not for fun it’s for work. I would have to say these days with technology going the way it is if you don’t start a business on the internet, I almost feel that you won’t do as well. This day in age everything has to do with technology. People using Facebook and Apple are examples of that. This world went from people with land where in power, but not anymore people who own technology are basically in power, for example Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and many more. Overall this article was really good it explained where the world was 120 years ago and where we are now.


  1. I like the analogy of the steps of power of the past centuries and how it went from land to food and water to now how technology is the main component of how the world is run. But then again.. I thought the world was run by Dunkins? Anyways, I did not know that Facebook bought out Instagram. That was very informing. It is very true how technology holds some of the biggest companies in the world. I can’t imagine the world without any of the social media websites or smart phones or Google or Apple. Also, just imagine how much potential technology has to grow. It is outrageous to think down the lines of 50 years and what new inventions will be out there and how society will be. These companies are just the beginning of what is in store for us. But overall Good Stuff! See you out there

  2. Scott, very interesting blog. I found it to be very thought provoking. It is amazing how much not only our society, but how the entire world has grown industrially and technologically over the past few centuries. Life was completely different back then. Power was not bought or competed for through a cyber world, it was fought and battled for. The fact that our society is centered around technology is mind blowing. Facebook is one of the most recognizable names across the entire planet, and they continuously sell their name and buy out new companies and apps (most recently being instagram). I can not even imagine what technology is going to be like in the next century, and how it relates to the changes in our society.
