Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Homework 9

Homework #9
Kimberly Lawlor

                The article I chose was called Announcing YouTube Analytics and the next generation in insight this article was released November 30th. The main point of this article was focusing on the fact that, “Video’s transcend language and cultural barriers.” Watching a video is so different than just a capture of a moment and or picture because a video shows a real human’s movements and actions all across the globe, no matter if it is a serious, funny, or upsetting video everyone can see this. It is becoming so popular that any video filmed in a small city like for example it talks about a video in Brooklyn that had more than ten million views right here in the United States made its way outside the United States and was viewed two times that amount to 30 Million viewers; 5% from brazil and 5% from Russia! It states that all these video’s whether they are important or not, people all around the world can view these and often get a good laugh or understand of your video and often connect in the same situation and have a strong appreciation for the videos being posted.
                On YouTube you have been able to see who the people watching your videos are and where they come from. So now they are making a new tool to learn about your audience that is watching your videos, through Insight! This is being released to every person on their modern browser. Some of the features of this browser are the quick overview which is just an overview that gives all information that you really will care about, and also let you access detailed information. The detailed reports give statistics so you can get a better understanding of you video and audience.  Audience builders figures out which videos are getting the most views. And last but not least with the Audience retention you can see how far the viewers are watching throughout your video in the new audience retention report you receive.
            They also created a Creator playbook to show you how to use this new Analytics key so you can build viewers up and engage with a bigger crowd of people and make even better videos with more viewers as well as earn money. What could be better than that!?

1 comment:

  1. When I was reading your blog it made me think a lot and I agree with what was said about videos transcend language and cultural barriers. I feel that it can offer a lot of positives as well as negatives to languages. The reason why I say this is because of how it YouTube can truly help a country's culture grow much larger but it is also still a website that could hurt certain countries. The reason why I say this is because other countries can see things that is humorous, not very appropriate and offensive. To us Overall the aspect that it is changing many countries is the fact that some people won't understand these videos. The united states is a country that is happy about the creation of you tube because it is only making our culture look positive and not others. I am saying this because as a United States citizen I would like other countries to see my country in a positive way and not negative. I can see how some might not like this idea because it would allow others to potentially look at what they are doing for their own confidential reasons, but I see it mostly in a negative way. I agree that YouTube would make a big Difference in the world because of the list of things that it has to offer. But I feel as though that people in the United States only look inside the box, Where they should be looking outside with the other countries.
