Sunday, April 22, 2012

HW #9 ollie

Review done by Oliver Allen
How Cloud Computing is Changing Many Job Descriptions by Joe McKendrick of Forbes Magazine,
April 21st, 2012
Within my reading I have learned that IT has a huge impact on the directions a company goes, like the strategic roles a senior-level executive may use. By using a strong IT source, the company has more reliable outcome and is more efficient. Using IT there is more cost efficient solutions. “Just as cloud computing is a game-changer for many companies, it is also changing the nature of jobs – not only within the information technology department, but in other parts of the enterprise as well.”
The new concept of IT’’s ability to identify and leverage sources has allowed a “cloud” data center for companies, which requires a great responsibility for IT leaders. Cloud computing has become a key component to IT job sources as cloud computing “Approximately 71% who have adopted cloud computing see their position as a viable path to pursue other management roles, compared to only 44% of non-cloud adopting CIOs”. A problem that can occur is the skills that make the cloud work, you need an IT guru with a high IQ for information systems, which can be difficult to find. But as this job enterprise has increases, they is a growing demand for those type of professionals which I would say helps development of the architecture of the cloud service software, and capacity of the cloud. “As a result of the shift to cloud, there is growing demand for professionals and managers that are more focused on business development than they are in application development. There will be greater opportunities for enterprise architects, and some offshoots will include cloud architects, cloud capacity planners, cloud service managers and business solutions consultants”. As IT has developed a “new” type of workflow within the cloud systems, which I would say, makes things more complicated and creates more jobs for those without, as the “infrastructure enablers. By using the cost efficient cloud the price will be more cost efficient and allow the company to grow faster and more purposeful. In the end the cloud is going to revolutionize companies of all sizes and allow them to grow beyond measurements.  


  1. Ollie I really enjoyed reading your blog. I was unaware that by using a strong IT source, the company has more reliable outcome and is more efficient. Also I thought that it was very interesting that the cloud has such an impact on the world of IT. I was unaware of what the benefits of it really were before I read your blog. I was wondering if you have ever been involved with it or have used it at any point. Also I wonder if it really is such a game changer as your blog indicates. I do not doubt you but since I have never had any experience with it I feel like it would be something cool to experiment with. I also thought it was interesting that by using the cost efficient cloud the price will be more cost efficient and allow the company to grow faster and more purposeful. Overall though I thought this was an very interesting article and I really like reading your opinions on it.

  2. Ollie,

    I also enjoyed reading this blog, I was never really consious of what IT source was. Not to mention of how much IT source has on a company. The benfits to the cloud seem endless and after reading yourblog it really gave an insight on how the cloud is broken down and used efficiently. I feel that there is just so much information about the cloud that is still to be found out about and with new technology advancements I know that the cloud will continue to integrate new techniques and advancments as well. Overall this new technology has been beneficial to companies allowiong for cost effcientcy which will help companies expand in the long-run.
