Fred Willard
This article was from
and is called WalMart Radio Tags to Track
Clothing. This article is about
WalMart and how they are planning on putting small RFID chips in their clothing
to be able to track inventory better, faster, and easier. Say a section on the shelf of jeans was low,
you could point your scanner at it, and find out what size and how many have
been sold. While the tags can be removed from clothing and packages,
they can't be turned off, and they are trackable. Some privacy advocates
hypothesize that unscrupulous marketers or criminals will be able to drive by
consumers' homes and scan their garbage to discover what they have recently
bought. With every technology
there is something and someone that is able to hack it and steal people’s
stuff. Where in this case, burglars can
find out what they recently bought, to see if the house is right to break into
or not. They also worry that retailers
will be able to scan customers who carry new types of personal ID cards as they
walk through a store, without their knowledge. According to smart-tag experts
dismiss Big Brother concerns as breathless conjecture, but activists have
pressured companies. But in the
real sense of things, a similar pilot program at American Apparel Inc.
in 2007 found that stores with the technology saw sales rise 14.3% compared to
stores without the technology, according to Avery Dennison Corp., a maker of
RFID equipment. Even though these
chips are not able to be turned off, you are able to just cut the tag off of
your clothing, because that’s where the RFID chip would be located. Several other U.S. retailers, including J.C.
Penney and Bloomingdale's, have begun experimenting with smart ID tags on
clothing to better ensure shelves remain stocked with sizes and colors
customers want. With this advance
in technology, our country will be able to grow stronger, be more powerful, and
have more knowledge.
Fred, dude, I feel you on this article. I too wrote about the RFID’s which will soon be used to help manage inventory at Wal Mart’s around the world. If there would be anyone to be skeptical of the big brother theory it would be me. But I believe the planned usage of these RFID’s will prove more beneficial than detrimental. There are also claims that the scanners which are used to read these chips, would also be able to read personal information from cards which have also started to use these RFID chips. After all the whole reason why these chips are being used it to make it easier and more convenient for the customer. Overall I think this new technology has a bright future ahead of it, not also will it prove beneficial for customers, but these chips help to regulate the commerce of such stores like wal mart.