Monday, April 30, 2012

Pedro Villegas

Why YOUR Company Must Become a Tech Company - Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram Lesson

Recently Apple put out statements saying that they projects their companies to be worth $643 billion in 12 months. Many investors seem optimistic about these numbers. I personally thought it was ridiculous that would put Apple more valuable than Spain Greece and other countries all put together. But then I started to think maybe they're right when reading the article I found that the country has shifted and we no longer believe in hard assets. We believe in technology and information. Being in the informational age I found this crazy number might be reachable. One of the main reasons I found was the evaluation of Internet-based sites were example Amazon Amazon is a retailer that specializes on e-commerce. Recently Amazon has been growing faster than any other retailer due to their online presence. Since we no longer consider hard assets to have any value the big box stores seems to be going out of business example of this would be Sears. Sears used to be one of the largest retail stores in the world but now is down to nothing. Then you see Walmart with research store size also the amount of stores in the area and still show no increase in stock. After I started this on that article I started to believe that Apple may be worth $640 billion in 12 months. I also found that companies that don't want to use e-commerce and technology will fall victim and go bankrupts. Another great example of why Apple is correct is Facebook as everyone knows Facebook has grown in the millions of users and shows no signs of slowing down.

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