Tuesday, April 24, 2012

HW #9

The article that I am discussing is called “5 New Tech Jobs and What They Pay.” It was written by Porcshe Moran who is a contributor for Investopedia. The article was published on November 23rd 2010 and the link for the article is here.
 This article that was written discusses 5 New Tech Jobs and What They Pay. Job growth is a rarely heard term in the current economy, but as hundreds of thousands of people search for jobs, they might discover the wealth of opportunities available that center around technology. Here are the 5 new jobs.

The first one is a Virtual Concierge. What a Virtual Concierge does is that they assist businesses and individuals with various tasks such as writing emails, answering phone, ordering theater tickets and making dinner reservations. They can even do the grocery shopping for a client online through services like Peapod and Netgrocer. The average salary for this position is $28,500 to $32,720 a year.

The second job is a Mobile Application Developer. People make apps every day. Some of them become successful and make great money. What you need to do for this position is a Mac computer and also need to learn Objective C, the primary programming language for the iPhone. This job makes $61,000 and $67,000 a year.

The third job is an in Online Reputation Management. You need a background in Public Relations for this job. An online reputation manager's job is to monitor every square inch of the internet for negative news and other tidbits about their client, and then get rid of it or at least downplay it. The goal is to make sure only positive information about the product or client is available on the internet. This job makes $50,100 to $66,040 a year.

The fourth job is an Online Store Owner. What an online store owner does is that they sell their unwanted items to those who create full-scale boutiques with new merchandise from wholesale suppliers.  There is no set pay for this. 

The final job is a Multimedia Content Producer. What this job entails is knowledge of new technology spanning from video and audio production to social media management and web design. It helps out the struggling newspapers because this position will integrate interactive Flash graphics, blogs and live text and video chats into their coverage. This job makes about $35,500 to $54,570. 

All in All these are great job opportunities but personally I see no career in these fields for me.It is also hard to get into these fields especially to make Mobile Apps because you have to be extremely proficient with computer software. The jobs that are coming out now are quickly changing the workforce and country.

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