Monday, April 23, 2012

5 New Tech Jobs and what they Pay

5 New Tech Jobs And What They Pay

With the economy behaving in the manner in which it is there are not many job opportunities available and the unemployment rate is higher than ever. In the past it has been jobs in the medical and accounting industries that have always strived because everyone needs medical care and someone to keep track of their money, though with the recent boom in technology the IT field has now entered this very same realm as there will now always be a need for someone to maintain there IT systems.
This is a very large and upcoming field with salaries rising one-percent a year and has in fact presented many new job opportunities. Five most recent new jobs in the field include virtual concierge, mobile application developer, online reputation management, online store owner, and multimedia content producer.
One of the first jobs that I would like to focus on is the position of the online store owner. This is a very unique position in that it offers another option for those who “want to own a store, but not ready for a brick and mortar commitment” ( What this job consists of is selling items over the web and setting up businesses such as online boutiques and online auctions much like eBay. This is a job that offers flexibility while also presenting a great opportunity to make a living due to the want for the availability of goods to purchase online, where items are normally much cheaper and presents the benefit of not having to leave the comfort of your home.
Another job that I would like to focus on is that of the virtual concierge. With a concierge traditionally being one who works at a hotel or apartment building to meet the needs of their customers, “the internet now makes it possible to make a living in customer service from the comfort of home” ( This is a quite lucrative job with an average salary of around $32,000 a year and with the added benefit of being able to work from the comfort of your own home, I could see this being a great opportunity not only for those who would truly enjoy that but also for a spouse in a new family that still needs to make an income and be home for the kids.
All in all I believe that there are many new and lucrative IT jobs appearing and I believe that the career path will soon find itself in the same category of reliable job availability as jobs in the medical and accounting fields.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, I also read this article on 5 new tech jobs and thought that it was very interesting. I agree with a lot of the things that you mentioned such as the rising need for work in the technology based field. Years ago this was not something that people even went to school for and now it is on the rise faster than ever. I made a similar point to yours talking about the online concierge. I was very shocked with the amount of money that they made doing simple tasks for other people that they are able to do right out of their own house with just the click of a button or typing a response to an email for a customer. You also talked about the online stores that people are coming up with, that relates back to the struggling economy because now people cannot exactly afford to pay rent on these buildings with the chance that they will be unsuccessful but now with this online opportunity they are able to try out their business virtually first rather than losing out right from the start.
