Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pedro Villegas


How LTE Changes Mobility

The mobile broadband industry has been coming a victim of its own success in this article they explained how LTE will change mobile broadband forever. They go on to say with that the new LTE broadband system will help meet demand of the consumer. Furthermore explained how to choose a broadband provider for your mobile device and what are the pros and cons for each provider

When choosing a broadband provide you have to look at all the elements. Dependability and price are two of the biggest factors in choosing a broadband provider. According to a recent survey Verizon and AT&T are the two top choices for mobile broadband devices but both these companies don't offer unlimited data plan for their new customers. So if you're a new customer and want to go with Verizon or AT&T you'll end up spending more for your data that others.

Another aspect you must look at when choosing your broadband provider is the bandwidth limitations. Considering your organizations mobile interaction and plans on using the cloud service this takes up a lot of bandwidth and will hurt reliability of the LTE.

The last step in picking your provider is the actual speed of the system. Verizon for example provide an average of 5 mbps 12 mbps on download and  2 mbps to 5 mbps on a uploads. But recent research groups measure an average download speeds of 23.6mbps and upload speeds of15.2mbps on AT&T's network in Houston.

In the future speeds will go even higher. That's because current networks use either 5MHz radio channels. However LTE supports 20 Mhz radio channels what this does will boost performance in double the amounts that can be done.

With all the data that has been presented to me I would have to choose Verizon. One of three reasons Verizon holds 68% of the market. To do this they must have a reliable system that people know and trust the second is the price if you are already a Verizon customer you don't have to pay for data you can have unlimited data plan. In the third would be how much coverage Verizon has with the LTE service.

1 comment:

  1. Comments by Oliver Allen
    MIS Class

    I really like your comments and explanation of the LTE Changes Mobility project. I agree completely with your idea and thoughts of dependability of price being two big factors. Your use of facts like recent surveys by Verizon and AT&T make a solid proof of your argument, which helps prove the main point of the article and paper of yours. Picking your provider leads to a lot of thought and using the statistics you provided as well as the article can lead to a great choice in network use. I currently use AT&T without 3g or 4g network chargers and I never have dropped calls and I get signal everywhere I go, but I do not use internet because I have a horrible phone. Bandwidth, MHz, Mbps are all major factors in the quality of the phone if it is trying to use a LTE service like Verizon or AT&T. Verizon is definitely better off though because the data plans are solid if you are already in one and Verizon has the upside of the market. Overall I like you article and ideas, good job.
