Friday, March 2, 2012

Homework #6

 “Why Pinterest Trumps Facebook at Social Commerce, For Now” was the article that I chose to read. The article was written by Jeff Bercovici a Forbes Magazine employee. The article discusses how Facebook has been exceeded by Pinterest as a social media site for e-commerce. The article states that Facebook was more social then e-commerce it was quoted that “There was a lot of anticipation that Facebook would turn into a new destination, a store, and a place where people would shop. But it was like trying to sell stuff to people while they’re hanging out with their friends at the bar” According to the article it also states that Pinterest is being called a “craft fair” Facebook did take a surprise turn to its consumers, with their ability to impact the market as well as it did. In regards to the social media site being in relation to a bar, that is a true statement. Facebook is a place where people are given the ability to check in with friends, see what is going on, and are able to share information with one another all in one place. It truly is a place of its own. “Facebook dominates the display ad market and is projected to claim about 20% of the pie this year, according to eMarketer”. I personally had no idea of being able to shop through Facebook, I do see that ads pop up but I would never consider clicking on them and navigating through the web to shop. A fact that stood out to me in this article was that it stated it claimed 20 percent of the pie this year. I had heard of Pinterest once before and I was aware that it is growing quickly among the web; It’s great that there is a website devoted to ads. Allowing its consumers to find what they are looking for quickly without a hassle.  The article refers to it as “It’s more like a craft fair where people go to exhibit their wares, check out other vendors’ offerings, or do a bit of both”. I gained a lot of knowledge from reading this article and strongly suggest it to other readers.


  1. Michael Brothers,
    I thought your article was very interesting; Facebook is becoming very advertisement like these days, just like MySpace was. Facebook is a very powerful website that companies’ college students and teens use. There are always those ads on the side of the page that you see when you log on, but it’s getting worse now there popping up every two minutes. Facebook is getting so crazy now that you can even buy products through it. Companies are putting their products up on facebook so customers like us can look at them and even purchase, coming from a company’s point of view that’s good networking. Overall this is a good article. I didn’t know facebook was doing that; see you learn something new every day.

  2. Mike,
    I learned quite a few things from reading your blog. I did not know that Facebook was a place not only for social networking, but for commerce as well. Facebook is becoming so dominant in the social networking world that it no wonder they are able to consume up to 20 percent of the display ad market. But I can also agree with you on the fact that people do not go to Facebook to shop, sell, or anything of that nature. It is a place for people to hang out online, which is why I appreciated your "bar" analogy. This was a great blog, keep up the good work.
