Friday, March 2, 2012

HW #6: The Six Pillars Of Social Commerce

The article that I am discussing is called “The Six Pillars of Social Commerce.” It was written by Fred Cavazza who is a contributor to The article was published on February 1, 2012 at 7:55am. The link for the article is

Cavazza talks about social commerce and he gets the definition from Wikipedia, which I don’t think is a great source for anything unless the statement from Wikipedia has a link to it. Wikipedia states that Social Commerce is a “subset of electronic commerce that involves using social media and online media to support social interaction and user contributions, to assist in the online buying and selling of products and services.” 

He then states that social commerce is a subset of e-commerce that is stated in this graph below.

He also says that social commerce has already been around for the past century through websites such as Amazon and EBay. The foundations of social commerce were laid out in the Cluetrain Manifesto: “Markets are conversations,” that was written and established 10 years ago. Several business practices have already been associated with social commerce, they are Buyers community (GDGT) Group buying (Groupon, Living social) Purchase sharing (JustBoughtIt) Curation (Polyvore, Pinterest) Social advice (Fashism) Co-shopping (like the Shop Together engine used by Charlotte Russe).
Those websites in parentheses are Webpages that use social commerce to help consumers get what they need. 

You then can use social media to maximize sales through the following six pillars which are visibility, reputation, proximity, contextualization, recommendation and customer care. Personally, i think that visibility is the most important one so I will talk about it. Visibility is relevant because you can use social media like Facebook and twitter to reach out to more consumers. I think that it’s a great idea that the Old Spice man in the commercials has a twitter account. I think it’s great because the things that he says on TV to promote the product and how you smell more like a man when you use old spice is hilarious. I really enjoy their commercials and their products so that’s why I keep buying their deodorant. They put out a great product, and they promote it well. 

In conclusion I would say that visibility is probably the most important thing social media is used for. You reach out to more people and it’s easy to get your point across. 

1 comment:

  1. visibility, reputation, proximity, contextualization, recommendation and customer care are all eccentric aspects of the structure of social commerce. this allocates that social networking sites have almost all of these charaxcteristics and that it shows how companies keep investing in ads on these sites. this shows the rate at which globalization is now in context with social commerce. to me i feel that this is leadin to a flatter world around us and that any business can now reach out to any demographic wherever they might be regardless of any location. technology is at the pinnacle of being too powerful for business ventures and shall still grow until mere monopolies are all that is left. i mean that over time certain businesses will prosper a little bit more and more until eventually, like poker, every other business is out stacked, leading to the bigger companies low-balling them out of the field of opportunity in the first place.
