Friday, February 24, 2012

Can smart city tools reduce crime rate?

The article that I came across and read is IBM Analytics Help Memphis Cops Get 'Smart'. In this article, the main point/goal is to decrease the crime rates in certain cities with smart city tools. These smart city tools are Software that enables IBM to find patterns in crime data. There are thousands of so-called smart-city projects aimed at improving urban services around the world.
Memphis is the main city that this article focuses on as well as it's  huge focus on using smart city tools to reduce crime. Memphis University Professor Richard Janikowski is a strong believer of smart tools decreasing crime rate. He states,“It’s not Minority Report—we can’t look at someone’s head and their genes and say they’re going to commit a crime,” “But can we forecast what’s going to happen and where it’s going to happen? Yes, we can.”
The article explains of an incident that happened in Memphis involving the Memphis Police Department. Lieutenant Paul Wright responded to a shooting scene in Memphis’s Frayser neighborhood. After he responded to the scene the ambulance was pulling away with the victim. He then whipped out his HTC Corp Smart phone and recorded a police report. Within the next hour, the confidential information was scoured by International Business Machines (IBM) software, helping the Memphis Police Department determine whether the incident was part of a wide spread pattern.  
Crimes such as robberies, burglaries and forcible rapes in Memphis fell to the lowest level in a quarter-century in 2010. This statistic just proves that the software is working. A side note would be since public safety is so important to people, The population in cities has increased. I bet in the next couple of years that this technology in smart city tools will be picked up by more and more cities.
IBM is realizing how big their software is and the potential it has to grow. That being said "IBM announced plans to buy Curam Software Ltd., a Dublin-based maker of software that helps cities manage social and health-care related services." Lastly, Sales of smart city-related technology is projected to rise to $57 billion in 2014 which is 23 billion more than last year. This projection is according to researcher IDC in Framingham, Massachusetts.
Police stations around the country are investing in this software. This will help policemen as well as keep the public safe. Time will only tell where this software and technology will take us.


  1. I find your article very intriguing. Technology seems to be helping everyone in more ways than one. The technology would be especially helpful for people in law enforcement like what your article talked about. With the help of software that they receive, law enforcement could really have an increased chance of lowering the crime rate in their city. The new technology could give them better response time and give them a better possibility of when and where and maybe even what crimes are going to happen. With better technology comes better ways to have a hopefully better society. The technology that the police get may be a little glitchy at first, but after some testing and some other updates to the technology, they will be better off. The police getting this technology is definitely going to greatly help them out when they are going to a crime scene or going to help out a civilian in need.

  2. This article was a very interesting article. It reminded me of the first time computer software has helped a city out. The first time was in 1970, Bill Gates and his business partner Paul Allen, developed "Traf-o-Data," a computer program that monitored traffic patterns in Seattle, Washington. So since the 1970’s computer software has helped major city monitor traffic patterns to where and when crimes are going to be committed. Also a pond reading this article I did not know that HTC was capable of make a smart phone that works with IBM so that it helps record this data. All in all this is a great advancement in the why we will stop crimes in the future. I do see this technology going anywhere but I do see it improving to the point that we will be able to tell your exact thoughts and predict your next action.

  3. This is a very interesting article regarding the “Smart City Tools” I feel that this is a great software tool. I know that I can think back in the past year their had been some tragic crime not only with victims, but the police as well. Its unfortunate but crime seems to be everywhere. I think in the larger cities this would be quit helpful for police officers. I like that it gives you some demographics as to where the crime is happening and trying to figure out ways to cut down crime rate. After reading your article it seems to prove that it has worked for Memphis and cut their crime rate down by a large amount. Its good to hear that there are people out their trying to create a safer and better society. I hope that we will be able to see and hear more about this particular software coming our way.

  4. I did this same article. I found it to be extrememly interesting,being albe to pin point and locate where crimes are occuring is a huge step in the right direction for both law enforcement and for our world of technology. Seeing how crime rate began to decrease in Memphis after implementing this new technology shows that it really does work. This technology would be especially useful in our states with major cities. Hopefully one day this new advancment will be available for law enforcment agencies around the United States and crime will be at an all time low.
