Tuesday, February 14, 2012

HW #4

The article I chose to write about and comment on was Reduce Cyber Attacks by Protecting and Rewarding Secure Networks On the Internet by Science Daily, written on October 14, 2011.  This article talked about the current cyber threats for computer networks today, with almost over a third of the world's population connected to the internet, and all of the wireless devices that we carry with us everyday.  The risks of network attacks are higher than ever with all of the modern technology around us.  Not only are computer security networks for large corporations at risk for cyber attacks, but small businesses, colleges, and especially individual devices are at high risk for network attacks.  Because of this, many security networking companies have been recently researching and coming up with ways to reward secure computer networks that have upheld their security against highly contagious computer viruses that could destroy an entire company's network.  Some of the most sophisticated computer viruses are aimed at taking down large corporate security networks, that have some of the most intelligent IT workers in the world.  Because of the amount of communication between businesses and individuals today, many of whom are anonymous to each other, there is such a high risk of network hacking and system vulnerability; so why not reward those who protect themselves the best?  In my opinion, this is a very smart idea and a very good approach towards network security.  I think that rewarding companies and networks for protecting themselves from cyber attacks will not only reinforce the importance of network security, but the idea promotes itself in that more companies will incorporate newer, more effective network security that will protect them from the most dangerous of cyber threats.  I think that this is a big step for the world of technology and computers, and this idea can only grow and become more and more incorporated in developing network security.


  1. I like how you got straight to the point in talking about this article. As we all know technology is huge, as you stated in your blog "over 1/3 of the world is connected to the internet." If major companies start getting hacked then chaos will occur. The government will then be in a disarray of trying to sort things out and also prevent there securities of being hacked. Lastly I learned from your blog is about the reward of safe securities. I fully don't understand the whole theory and wish you would of explained it more. But besides that, overall well done the blog

  2. Shayne,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog on the current article you chose to pick; I think it is very interesting. I think it is an extremely big deal because like you said over a third of our world is connected to the internet, along with all of our other wireless devices every single day. And because the risk of hackers and attackers on the internet is reaching such a high number globally this is a huge problem and a huge scare, especially for myself because I know that I am currently using the internet and my wireless devices; whether it is doing homework, paying bills, or online shopping. It is a scary thing that the large computer antivirus programs are so sophisticated and plan to take down big businesses. I also agree with you on the big approach towards network security, I think it is a great idea! Very insightful.
