Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Homework #4

Cyber Attacks Becoming Top Terror Threat, FBI Says-Government-Security-InformationWeek

Cyber attacks are becoming top terror threat, FBI says? I would have never thought it would be this serious but in today’s world you never know. The term "cyber bullying" I’m sure everyone knows, if not they have a good idea about it. But even people that know what cyber bullying is, aren’t aware that not only does it just affect high school students but people in general for that matter; it is affecting government agencies and businesses all across the United States. Clapper proceeded to say that “cyber security is already at the forefront of national security concerns, right there with terrorism, proliferation of weapons, and espionage. In the last year, we observed increased breadth and sophistication of computer network operations by both state and non-state actors," he said in prepared testimony”. A question came up, “who takes care of the cyber attack if one does actually occur?” It comes down to the FBI or NSA to take care of it. Even though cyber attacking is very high on the scale the House and Senate have to worry about terrorist attacks also. With these two threats it’s very hard to watch over both of them, especially when hackers are hacking into our government. The one thing that can stop cyber attacks or at least try too is called “Cyber security” it can prevent our government, businesses, and our country itself from being attacked!! Cyber attacks are on the rise and that’s the number one thing that the FBI is looking into, is stopping these terrorist from doing what they’re doing. Overall cyber attacks are threats to us as are terrorists and we need to take care of this as soon as possible. We don’t need another 9-11-01. There’s already that whole thing about 2012 we don’t need our government getting hacked when they suck already. Therefore by creating “Cyber security” I hope it protects us the best way then can!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Scott I thought that your blog was very interesting. I know a fair share of information in regards to cyber bullying and liked your input on it as well. It was subject that I did a project on in high school and would agree that it defiantly is becoming a very big problem. I thought it was very interesting that cyber security is such a huge problem that even the FBI is involved. It does to me make sense though considering how much our world relies on technology that the FBI would be making sure that they watch what is going on through that internet. I as well hope that our government will be able to make sure that we have the right kind of cyber security so that we don’t have to worry about another terrorist attack. Hopefully this great advancement in our lives doesn’t turn out to be one of our greatest weakness.
