Tuesday, February 14, 2012

homework 4

We talked about a lot of interesting topics over the past few weeks of class.  The topic that interested me the most was cyber attacks I pulled up this article on it “Cyber Attacks Becoming Top Terror Threat, FBI Says” which can be found here http://www.informationweek.com/news/government/security/232600046.  This article talked about how much more dangerous hackers are becoming and how they soon will be one of the top threats in the U.S.  It also talked about how hackers and cyber attacks will be bigger threats than terrorism. Cyber attacks usually go undetected and the IT supply chain is very vulnerable according to director of national intelligence James Clapper.  Those are the main concerns against cyber attacks.  There also a couple laws pending on security issues.  I personally think security needs to tighten up.  Especially nowadays with hackers getting as good as they are.  After learning about these issues I learned about things that could help prevent them.  Ways to prevent getting your password hacked are use capital letters and pick longer words.  Congress is well aware of the security issues this nation is facing and is currently working to try to resolve these issues.  I don’t think these issues can ever be resolved.  I think our nation will always have security issues because of all the great hackers there are out there.  These hackers have very advanced systems and seem to decode anything that goes out there now it just takes time. There is a lot of personal information on the web, which makes it easy for hackers to find.  I think people should be a little more aware of what they put on the web.  They shouldn’t put anything on that is too personal and gives out a lot of information.  Overall I think cyber attacks are a dangerous and growing issue and we need to take precautionary steps to at least slow it down.  Like I said before I don’t think cyber attacks will ever go away completely, but being more aware of what you put on the web will help minimize your chances of from getting one.    


  1. I believe that cyber attacks are actually becoming a top threat in today’s society because of how big the internet actually is. Everyday millions of people are getting their personal information hacked or they are getting what we call a cyber attack. This article talks about how dangerous hackers are becoming in this world today in which we live in. In the article I read and blogged about was about the steps in order to prevent hacking or at least stop it to a certain degree. If this is something that we are still dealing with on a daily basis then I think that we as a society should push strongly for something that will back us and protect us. I know that we have things in place to start this process but we still are seeing cases all over the world on a daily basis on cyber attacks and hacking events. This is something that we need to change.

  2. I completely agree with you and the article. What is find interesting is that, out of everything that is on the news, we never here about cyber attacks or the possible threat of them. In this day and age most information about ourselves can be accessed online, and with it came the threat of your personal info being hacked by someone. And as we utilize and expand the internet each day, the threat of being cyber attacked grows greater. Although there are people whose jobs are to hack large corporations and business to find weakness and flaws in the system. But there are many skilled hackers who continue to find ways around the security, like you said, all it takes is time. But also you made a good pint about how people should not put too much information about themselves on the internet.
