Tuesday, February 14, 2012

homework #4

Marcus Leary



The Levin Institute - The State University of New York

            The article talks about how globalization has benefitted modern technology and commerce. It helps in ways like getting products from point A to point B and communicate with other countries. The aspect of globalization has been around for thousands of years. One common part of globalization that happened in the early ages was the Silk Road during the middle ages. The Silk Road connected the Middle East with most of Asia. For centuries, people and corporations have invested their money into different companies that are in different countries. Since there have been technological and policy developments that have happened over the past few decades, it has increased the amount of cross-border trade, investment and migration that is so big that some observers believe that the world is entering a new phase of economic development. Since the 1950’s, the volume of world trade had increased twenty times. From 1997 to 1999, foreign investment had increased from 468 billion to 827 billion. One author by the name of Thomas Friedman had said about the globalization of today is “farther, faster, cheaper and deeper.” The globalization that is in use now is driven by policies that have both domestically and internationally opened economies. Ever since the Second World War and especially over the past 2 decades, many governments have adopted a free-market economic system. This has vastly increased their productive capabilities and making new opportunities for international trade and investment. A defining feature of globalization is international industrial and financial business structure. The other big driver of globalization is technology. The biggest part of that is information technology, which has dramatically changed the economic life of people. With these information technologies, the economic players, consumers, investors and businesses, they now have valuable new tools that identify and pursue economic opportunities.

Globalization is also a controversial topic. The people who are for globalization believe that it will help poor countries and upgrade their standard of living. People against globalization feel that unfettered international free market will help multinational corporations at the expense of common people. Resistance to globalization has taken shape on both a popular level and a government level. To find the right balance of globalization, people need to understand how it works and how it’s policies also work.

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