Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Google Launches Marketing Campaign on Security and Privacy

Hoping to redeem their self from their poor reputation, Google has launched its first campaign concerning privacy and security. Due to the number of problems the website has faced involving privacy and security issues, millions of dollars are being spent on an ad campaign that has been put forth to change the ways in which Google runs. Google has been notorious for not having the greatest privacy settings and has exposed personal information. Google has introduced their current ad campaign as the "Good to Know" website to help with security.  Although there are many other programs and such that can help safeguard internet security, Google is making their site safer.  The idea of the campaign is also to make it more user friendly.  The campaign is targeting “digital illiterate” users and labeling concepts including terms such as “cookies” to help website users keep their information from being exposed. I think that this campaign is a good idea because privacy is important to everyone.  I believe that when someone posts something online they are putting their self at risk to have their information exposed either way, but with new security settings on a popular site like Google can change the way in which someone uses the internet.  The ad campaign will be useful because users now have an option to delete their cookies and make sure no one is able to see their information.  The new "Good to Know" site will be useful to internet and site users and the website owners.  In past the FTC has been involved with Google in a class action lawsuit concerning exposing the Gmail users contacts, but maybe now with the changed privacy and security settings, situations like so shouldn't happen again.  I hope that this ad campaign helps pass the idea along.  I am an active Google user and I have a Gmail account and I feel as though the site is extremely useful and I hope the campaign helps with the follow through.

1 comment:

  1. Patrizio, I would just like to start off by saying this is a very well written piece. It was also very informative, as in I didn't know that google had a such a poor reputation. After reading more into this, I found myself a little uneasy after finding out that google has been notorious for not having the greatest privacy settings and has exposed personal information. I am an active google user and I have a gmail account and I fee as though the site is extremely useful and I hope the campaign helps with the follow through.
