Tuesday, February 28, 2012

H.W Blog 6

Ryan Mulvey
Prof. Lawson
Blog 6
Does E-Commerce On Social Networks Pay Yet?
By: David F. Carr
 December 27, 2011
What  this article is about , is a E-Commerce firm called  ShopIgniter . What Shoplgniter does, according to the article is “ShopIgniter is one of several specialists in embedding e-commerce experiences inside Facebook, allowing a product catalog or selected promotions to be displayed inside a Facebook app or business page, with a full shopping cart and checkout experience. Ideally, these products also take advantage of the nature of the medium, providing opportunities for consumers to "like" products, share them with their friends, and perhaps get access to special deals as a reward for their evangelism.” This company’s whole objective is to market their products, catalogs and adds on social networking websites, such as face book. This is a huge technological achievement because when you click on the add or catalog it takes you to a different page, and if you decide you want to purchase the item , you can then click add to cart. In the article is states “What ShopIgniter introduced back in October was tighter integration with the Facebook Wall and the whole mechanics of posting and sharing products. It meant social shoppers could now add to cart and checkout right within the post stream, rather than clicking a link that takes them to a page on another website or even another location within Facebook.” This is huge for this company but its even better for the buyer. It makes shopping online that much easier. This company believes that the secret to this is to create new experiences around an online product rather than doing it in a conventional way. Another big advantage to this new way of buying products is that you will be more willing to buy a product knowing and seeing that your friend bought it or liked it. This is an awesome way of taking advantage of what this company has in front of them and trying to innovate new ideas. It will make it so much easier to the consumer, and that’s all that matters these days.

1 comment:

  1. The idea of e-commerce on social networking sites is a great idea for companies to promote a product. The bad part is who really pays attention to those adds on Facebook that are on the right head side of the home page. Not many people do. Also sometimes they are not even related to your interest. As a matter of fact while I am typing this comment on one monitor, on my second monitor I have Facebook, and twitter open. When I look at them I see nothing that interests me or has anything to do with my interest. I can see where companies are going with this and what they are trying to do, but I believe they are just wasting their time and money. All those ads do is aggravate you as you trying to read post or tweets. As a matter of fact I clicked on open and all I am getting is a bunch of junk that has nothing to do with what I clicked on, so they still got a ways to go.
