Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dan DeLuca HW 4

Daniel DeLuca


The article that I chose to read was from security weak and was published February 10, 2012. The article was written by Alan Wlasuk and the article was entitled Password Purgatory - Are we Ever Going to Get Passwords Right? The article was about the world of technology and how we have all kinds of passwords and user names to get into what he called private internet. He explained that private internet was our online banking, social media and so on. He explains in the article how we don’t necessarily know if someone is peaking over our shoulder and reading our passwords, and we don’t know necessarily if our passwords are easily to hack or not. Also in the article he discusses  how because we as Americans are sometimes very lazy in regards to making passwords that we make them very simple as well as reuse them a lot which is not good. After finishing this article I was shocked on how much I related to all of the things that were discussed. I for one use the same password for a lot of my online work. Also I really have only two different passwords for almost everything that I use. Also I agreed with him when he discussed how lazy we are in making them. I know that I find myself always using passwords that are very simple because I know that I will not forget them if they are simple. I thought that this article related to a lot of people now a days. However when reading the end of the article I did start to feel better about the process of passwords. The author described a two factor system that is becoming much more popular in regards to passwords which I do believe will help people from getting their accounts hacked. Also in the conclusion the author ensures the reader how the world of passwords is getting much better and that there is not much to worry about. He said that soon it will be very difficult for people to hack others accounts with the advancement we are having in technology in the world of passwords.


Strong Passwords


  1. Passwords are certainly an interesting topic. It’s true that most people’s passwords are very weak. They are simple and are usually some sort of word – a favorite band, a birthday, a lover’s name. This is why many websites have seemingly ridiculous requirements for passwords: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, special symbols, and numbers are frequently requirements.

    It’s also worth noting that most people don’t change their password enough. That’s why many sites (such as myNichols) require a password change every six months. When was the last time you changed your email or computer username password? It’s simply inconvenient.

    The most important password to protect is your email. Why? Because everything goes through your email to confirm a password change. With an email, hackers can easily see what sites you’re subscribed to and request a new password from those sites. They can override any password you have there with the new temporary password they got from the “Did you forget your email? Click here!” function. If they have access to your email they have access to everything!

  2. This is a very interesting blog about your article; passwords are truly the one thing that people must keep safe these days for personal reasons and for work reasons. Myself I have only about three passwords that I use for everything just like you. I also do get lazy too and will put the same password for something just so I don’t have to remember so much. With all the school and work and stress I have passwords are the last thing I want to remember. So I think it’s easier for me if I put something that I know already, which is bad in a way because it’s just easier for a hacker. Overall I think your blog is really good and I can relate to it really well. Keep up the great work.

  3. Hey Dan. I absolutely agree that almost everyone can relate to these problems. Everyone is on the internet nowadays, which means that everyone has passwords. With all of the different accounts and sites that we use that require passwords, it is hard to keep track of all of them. I know that I have a lot of similar passwords for many of my accounts. After reading your blog and listening to our in class lectures about password security (or lack there of), I will certainly look into making more complicated passwords in hopes of keeping my information safe. I think this is an issue that not many people on the internet are aware of. Everyone has personal information out there online somewhere that may be very vulnerable to theft.
