Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cyber Attacks Becoming Top Terror Threat, FBI Says

In today's society everyone has heard of the term "cyber bullying" but what people aren't aware of is that it is not something that just effects high school students, it is effecting government agencies and businesses all across the United States.  The idea of cyber security is on the rise among Congress in hopes to "stop terrorists" (Muller). The U.S. has received threats from China and Russia, along with Iran, who is developing greater technologies.  Although these two dominating countries are threatening, Iran has had success in hacking into U.S. networks as well. The hearing focused on cyber security and also brainstormed that in the event of a cyber-attack, who would take care of the disaster, deciding that the FBI or NSA would take lead.With such threats the House and Senate worries most about terrorists attack. however, the act of hacking poses as a huge of threat among our government.  Cyber security can help prevent our Gov. Agencies, businesses, and our country from being harmed by terrorist attacks. The government are highly concerned with the growth of cyber threats. "Stopping terrorists is the number one priority," said FBI director Robert Mueller. "But down the road, the cyber threat will be the number one threat to the country. I do not think today it is necessarily [the] number one threat, but it will be tomorrow."  This statement by the director of the FBI just shows how scared and how serious cyber attacks can be. In conclusion, as technology grows so will cyber attacks and the safety of our country.It's up to our government do protect us and I have faith in them as Barack Obama and others are trying to pass laws in bills to prevent cyber attacks. I can assure that anyone who gets caught attempting a cyber attack with suffer a sever penalty.

1 comment:

  1. After reading your article about Cyber Attacks Becoming top Threat to the FBI. I had no idea that these cyber attacks can be worse than terrorists. And I really hope that they can stop all these foreign countries from trying to hack into our systems. But I feel that with Obama in the Presidents seat, we should be safe. But one question, what would happen to the people who get caught?
