Tuesday, February 28, 2012

HW #6

The title of the article that I chose to read was “Why Pinterest Trumps Facebook at Social Commerce, For Now” written by Forbes author Jeff Bercovici. This article talks about why social media sites (mainly Facebook) should not be selling products. Pinterest a new website that offers users a collage like set up allows for users to post their products on their page, allowing everyone else to look at them and purchase items. It also allows for users to post photos allowing friends and others to comment on them.

Facebook in return wants to setup an e-commerce section on their website. As if Facebook does not already have enough money coming in, through games, music, and other income sources they now want to add a shopping section. Many analysts say this will not work for Facebook. They compared the situation to a bar scene. Facebook is a bar where you can go and catch up with old friends or potentially meet new people. You do not want to go shopping when you go to a bar and this is the exact reason why a shopping section on Facebook would not be successful. Pinterest is a new website gaining new users quickly and Facebook is worried that they will lose users to Pinterest because users have the ability to make purchases and look at products on their website. “for any company that has an e-commerce presence, they absolutely have to be paying attention to Pinterest.” This quote came from a Gap executive.

I agree with this article and what the analysts had to say about Facebook. I believe that if Facebook tries to update once again and try and ell products online, Facebook will just become a complete mess. Facebook is constantly updating its home page it is really annoying for users. Many users have been switching over to Twitter, rather than Facebook. If Facebook is not careful it could become the new MySpace and quickly be wiped off of the social media market. If Facebook decides to add shopping to their website I will personally stop using Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. I think it’s important that Facebook focus on achieving a high profit. After all, that’s what companies are here to do. However, I’m not sure they’re going about doing so the right way. Pinterest has a very unique section of the Social Media market and I do not believe they will be stealing users from Facebook. Nobody goes to Pinterest to keep in contact with old friends – that’s what Facebook is for.

    Many people threaten that they will leave Facebook but seeing as Facebook controls such a large percent of the population, social urgencies tend to beat out any remaining anger. This may change through time if more people were to migrate to Pinterest or Twitter but those social media sites simply don’t have the same connectivity as Facebook has and so I believe it will be rather difficult to replace (even Google, being the technology behemoth that they are, appears to have failed in taking the social media market with Google+).
