Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hello all,
My article is about the Obama administration and how he is trying to crack down on medical marijuana.  Despite promises to the contrary on the campaign trail, the Obama administration has announced an escalation in its war on legal medical marijuana dispensaries in California and elsewhere.  The question, Franklin points out, is whether patients will purchase their marijuana legally and safely at a dispensary or whether they will turn to an inevitably dangerous and violent black market. Will we regulate and tax marijuana sales or spend billions fighting a never-ending war on drugs?  
Kampia also noted that the policy would cause needless suffering in many patients who would no longer have access to medical marijuana. No doubt many medical marijuana patients do use the drug for recreational purposes, but that doesn’t change the fact that many very real patients will suffer due to this administration’s efforts to strangle medical marijuana in its cradle.  The Obama administration’s refusal to live up to its promises and its inexplicable decision to push medical marijuana back into the violent black market is yet another blotch on the administration’s already abysmal record on prohibition. Furthermore, there is simply no justification for this move, which creates unnecessary violence and wastes  taxpayer dollars on something that has been overwhelmingly supported at the polls. In a democratic effort to create legal and safe access to marijuana in nine states in this country, voters have spoken.   The federal government and the Obama administration have refused to listen. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a serious aspect of a lot of peoples' lives around the United States and will not be taken lightly by the public. the medicinal despensories have shown such prosperity over the time the have been in business as a non-profit organization as well. The big question is why cut this embryonically sized dispensory business at its knees when it is still just in the beginning stages. I feel that once this envelops and is more concrete in itself will only help the economy and the people who need it medically. Marijuana has health benefits that no other pharmesutical drug has to offer, unless it has side effects that make more of a problem with the individual in the first place. Legalizing is the only option because of the black market and crime.
