Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homework #6

The article that I read about explained why this new craze Pinterest is dominating over what Facebook’s expectations were for their e-market. Facebook has tried to be successful with the selling of products on their website but something seemed to not be clicking just the right way. Now a study comes out that shows that Pintrest is blowing the competitors out of the water with sales of items once people visit their website.

As many people start to lose faith in Facebook for e-commerce they are starting to warm up to Pinterest, which many people did not see coming. What might the reason be people may ask? One person’s opinion was that Facebook can be compared to a club atmosphere, you do not go to a bar or clubs to buy things you go to socialize. This can also be how you view Facebook, the idea when Facebook was created was to socialize, meet new people, and keep in touch with people that you may have lost touch with, never was their intentions to provide a shopping center for users. Now that this new idea is out they expect for the users to automatically grasp on to the concept, which just is not the case. With Pinterest people visit the website with the intentions that they are going to buy something; many people compared it to an arts and crafts store. Since they go to the site that is a shopping website it is more common for people to purchase items.

I personally think that Facebook should stick to what they are good at. They are good at social networking and keeping people in touch not shopping. So why try and change something that is working? Well Mark Zuckerberg has the intentions of making Facebook a social layer that overlays all of our lives. Although Facebook rules over 20% of the ad markets on the internet that just is not good enough for him. We will have to see what he has up his sleeve if he thinks he is going to be able to overcome everything!

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