Thursday, January 19, 2012

First Post Dan DeLuca

My name is Daniel DeLuca and I am from Mashpee, Ma. I am a sophomore here at Nichols College. I participate in many activates here on campus including RA, Student Ambassador, Treasurer of the Criminal Justice club, and student orientation leader. I am a criminal justice major here. I work at the boys and girls club of Webster-Dudley as well. I played basketball all my life but do not play for the school team here. I play intermural sports here including soccer, basketball, and flag football. This is my first time blogging which I am fairly excited about because I hear it’s fairly popular. Next year I am going to apply to be a Head Resident Assistant here on campus. Check out the link below if you want to consider being a RA or if you want to see what is going on with residential life.  I have worked for a supermarket, as a busboy, at a recreation center, and for my father who is a plumber. All these areas have had some effect on me one way or another so it’s been nice learning different things from each job.

For this course I will be looking to learn a lot about information systems. I feel that we our surrounded by them yet don’t really now a whole lot about them. I’m excited to learn about systems how they work and how they help make things easier for us. Also I feel that this course will allow me to learn more about systems that I have use and currently use every day and will allow me to get a better grasp of them.

After reading the article from I learned a lot about the pay scale of information managers. I always assumed that they made a lot of money, but never new that they made as much as the article talked about. According to the article; “The middle 50 percent earned between $88,240 and $141,890”. That defiantly is a lot of money that would get me to even consider perusing the field. Also when reading the article I learned that there will be a great number of jobs available in the computer information systems. According to the article “Employment of computer and information systems managers is expected to grow 17 percent over the 2008-18 decade, which is faster than the average for all occupations”. I thought that this satistic was very interesting considering how tough it is for people to get jobs, and how hard the economy is that there would be so many jobs available.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I’ve always felt that the job statistics for technical professionals such as Information Technology Managers are grossly overestimated and a bit misleading. While jobs that require both managerial skills and technical skills are in high demand, the technical skills required are often incredibly specific to each particular job. Not to mention that such jobs require a significant amount of experience (often in similar high-level fields). For instance, six years of experience in computer programming may not be entirely useful in becoming a Chief Technology Officer (which is the type of job the statistics are taken from). Instead, a vast amount of experience is required in very technical fields (fifteen years in computer science or engineering, for instance) and a significant amount of experience in an executive-level position may also be required (seven years as a top-level manager). Obtaining an MBA for such jobs is a near-necessity as well. As such, a BSBA graduate with a degree in Computer Information Systems, Management Information Systems, or Information Technology Management, would find it nearly impossible to find such a job just out of college. It may, in fact, be very difficult to find a job at all given the amount of growing competition in the field and the unemployment rate. Of course, that’s not to say that a determined student would be unable to find a job that would lead to such a high paying position or that the field is masked as being terribly successful when, in actuality, it’s a black hole of hopes and dreams. Such is certainly not the case and it is indeed a very good field to get into.
