Saturday, January 28, 2012

Homework 2

In Tom Freidman’s video “The World Is Flat” he talks about a very unique way of looking at the world. He describes it as ‘Globalization’ and the ten days that the company’s technologies events that came together to so call create this window of opportunity. The first date was 11/9 (November 9, 1989) coincidently the Berlin Wall came down on this day. He called this one of the ten flatteners because it made people look at the world as a single flat plain. In the video Freidman describes ‘Globalization’ at one point as policies, there was a western eastern southern and northern policy. It wasn’t until November 9th 1989 that the wall that was separating the four policies came down and theoretically windows went up, turning the policies into Globalization. This was one of Tom Freidman’s ten theories. He is a very smart man and dedicated to figure out if the world is actually if fact flat. His theories on the matter are very interesting and actually make a lot of sense.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that Tom’s ideas were very interesting. I thought that all of his points made a lot of sense. Although we seem to take things like what he described for granite because we have been so called “sleeping” through all of these events. I also thought that the berlin wall was very interesting. I don’t know about you, but I was shocked when he listed that as a flattener; however after he explained it, it did make a lot of sense. Also I was wondering if you thought that this flattener was the most important flattener? I thought that it was very important like all of them, but I did choose two others that I thought were more substantial to his theory. Also do you see the world in the way that Tom does or perhaps another way? I found what he said very interesting, and it looks like you did too. Also great picture.
