Sunday, January 22, 2012


What's up yall. My name is jake wheelwright and I am a sophmore here at Nichols, I represent Olson 210. I am from Cohasset mass, its a small town on the water about 45 minutes south of Boston. I like to spend my spare time outdoors either riding my dirtbike or some other outdoor activities. I pretty much anjoy anything that goes fast or has a motor. Summer is my favorite time of the year because my friends and I take out our boat that we got very cheep and grill just offshore and kick back listening to tunes and what not. Cohasset is a very small town and i graduated with about 85 kids in my senior class I played sports all through high school, mainly Football and lacrosse, and I was fortunate to be captain of my football team and win a state championship in lacrosse for high school.

I am really not very good at computers at all, I rarely spend time on one unless im doing school work or looking up youtube videos. I am also one of a few kids that I know that dont have a facebook so I'm out of the social networking loop. I hope to get a better idea of how to work with computers seeing that the knowledge is so valuable and necessary in many of todays well paying workplaces. Many things about computer and information system managers, but what stuck out and suprised me the most was how stessful of a job it can become at times. The article stated that in 2008 25% of all Computer and Information System Managers worked over 50 hours a week, and very undesireable week of work in my book.


  1. what up jake, ive been to Cohasset before and ya it is a pretty small town, Im from auburn so about the same distance away from Boston. Congradulations on the big win in high school thats great, winning a championship is awesome. Do you play football or lacrosse here for the school? I played soccer last year and we won the championship, it was a great expierence. Hopefully, we'll both be able to gain some knowledge from this course because im not too useful when it inormation systems either.

  2. I’m from Holbrook so I know where Cohasset is. My high school was grades 7-12 so I when I was in 7th and 8th grade I played against Cohasset in soccer and basketball. We used to play under the lights for soccer there and I also played in the Holiday Tournament for basketball in 2004. My team was not very good so we usually always lost when we played there. I graduated with a small class like you did, only 77 kids. What positions did you play for football and lacrosse? That is good that you won a state championship for lacrosse. Some of my friends don’t have a facebook either. Summer is my favorite season too. What kind of music do you like to listen to? It didn’t really surprise me at how stressful of a job it can be because they are always discovering new things and trying to fix problems that arise.
