Thursday, January 26, 2012

Important Flattener

                The most significant flattener from Tom Friedman was on August 9, 1995 when a company by the name of Netscape from California went public. This event flattened the world in many ways, creating a much more globalized economy. The first way in which it did this was through bringing the internet to life. Netscape had provided us with an internet browser that allowed us to pull up web pages and all their content easily and efficiently. The second way in which Netscape flattened the world was through the creation of a commercialized open transmission protocol. This open communication protocol made it so that no one company could dominate the internet. This set of open communication protocols again leveled out the walls that had been between users of different internet providers. The third and according to Tom Friedman, most important thing that Netscape did was to start the dot com boom. This in turn triggered what he refers to as the dot com bubble. This dot com bubble triggered the accidental investment in laying fiber optic cable. This one trillion dollar investment laid cables that stretched over both land and see, connecting the world. This over investment in the fiber optic cable created the accidental effect that whole countries were neighbors of countries that could be thousands of miles away. This abundance in fiber optic cable drastically drove down the cost of transmitting voice, words, and data that the cost for such services became basically free. Once everyone had realized the high demand for this fiber optic cable, everyone from fly by nighters to large corporations began to lay cable. This over abundance caused the price for telecommunications to drop drastically worldwide. Friedman compares this to when the United States made the railroads and we as a nation got to ride for free, the difference being that in the global laying of fiber optic cable India and China got to ride for free.
                This is insightful and undoubtedly the greatest of the flatteners because it allowed the world to connect as a whole and without this the world today would not have the global economy it does because there would still be barriers in the way
.  Netscape icon

1 comment:

  1. Mike I agree with everything that you have stated. I also decided that the most important flattener was the release of the Internet as well. If you look at everything that the Internet has done for the world how can you not. You can do anything from shopping, to Skyping, to communicating with someone halfway around the world. Also I believe that a lot of the other flatteners that are talked about are in relation to the Internet being so successful. It globalized markets and make business all in all a better, easier, and more efficient worldwide.
