Friday, January 20, 2012

Introduction Homework

Hi my name is Alyssa Finn and I'm from Tewksbury Massachusetts. I am on the younger side for my grade considering I am 20 and don't turn 21 until the very end of August. I am a Junior here at Nichols College and unlike some people I really like this school. I believe that it is what you make it and with the right friends you can have a great experience here. I am a Criminal Justice major with a Psychology minor and I believe that I want to be a probation officer upon graduation. I did an internship with the Woburn Court House that is a few towns over from where I live and I really enjoyed it and it seemed to come naturally. I have had many jobs in the past, although nothing is related to what I am going to school for. In high school I worked at the local Planet Fitness in my town as front desk staff. After that job I worked at a hair dresser salon as front desk staff as well. Every summer for about the last four years I have worked at Gillette Stadium with the prodcution companies for all of the summer concerts. I usuaslly stay there for a week give or take and stay in a hotel since the stadium is an hour away from where I live. I get to do alot of cool things there such as set up dressing rooms, go food shopping for all the tour busses, and help the talent get anything that they need from our company such as "flow money" which is money that we lend them until the end of the show and then it is all settled when we go over the final settlement with the tour manager. As far as my hobbies go I love to shop! Shopping is one thing that my mother and I do as a bonding expereince, sometimes we do not even buy anything, but it has always been a special thing that we do together. I am very close with my family and love spending time with them. I actually just came back from Florida last Monday where I was with a bunch of my uncles, aunts, and cousins. From this course I hope that I can learn a basic overview of hardware, software, and network technologies. I probably will not ever need to use these very much considering the criminal justice world is actually very outdated on technology that they use, but I would like to have a basic knowledge incase I ever do need to use any of these items in my day to day life. After reading the article that was provided for us I was not really surprised. It talks about how the computer industry is rapidly growing which is leading to more jobs in that field as well. Every day they are coming up with new things in technology which leads to the nearly 300,000 jobs that were recorded in the year 2008.


  1. What an amazing opportunity you have working at Gillette. It is such an amazing stadium, looks like you had a lot of work to do but i'm sure with the concerts you had going on it was all worth it and a lot of fun! I also don't know if i will need to know all this software for my major but i'm excited to find out. Your blog was very interesting! :)

  2. Yes your right, Ive been working there for 5 years and seen 2 AFC Championships happen. Its such an awesome atmosphere on any given Sunday. Staying at the hotel must be nice too, and meeting the performers at the concerts must be sick! You'll will be a great probation officer! I don't think I will use this software either!
