Saturday, January 28, 2012

important flattener

Tom Friedman made some very nice points about the “flatteners” of the world. He made many points about things like the fall of the Berlin wall, the rise of Netscape, different companies collaborating and how the workflow helped people bring their work together and be able to be viewed by everyone. But out of those flatteners, I think that the most important one is when Netscape came into being.

            Netscape is a significantly important flattener because it help fully globalize the internet and made it more open to the public. Another thing that it helped with was globalizing the economy between countries. It did that by allowing people to view go to different web pages and view all the material that they had by using a web browser. That was one reason that Netscape was helping in flattening the world that Friedman had said about Netscape. A second reason that Netscape was helping in the flattening of the world was the use of commercialized open transmission protocol. What the protocol did was make it so no major company had or said they had any control of the internet. With the protocol in place, people of different internet providers could then go to other providers to check them out. The third and most important point that Mr. Friedman made about Netscape was create the dot com bubble. What happened during the dot com bubble was that miles and miles of fiber optic cables were laid out over land and sea to connect the many countries that were using the internet. It was a trillion dollar plan that took quite some time to accomplish. Friedman had said that the connection that Netscape had set up was like a railroad that was free. Just like a railroad took people too different cities and towns, the internet took people to different places to do research and the like and it was all for free.

            I found that specific flattener to be really informative and it helped me understand how the world got connected because of a small company from California.


  1. I completely agree with what you are saying, Netscape was a giant step for the Internet world. By globalizing the Internet it allowed people to expand there knowledge, lead to knew “virtual” link to others. It only takes one small company to create such a big “boom”, Netscape is not the only business to do so, and there are many small businesses like Netscape that changed the Internet world. Although you did not say so, insourcing and outsourcing came from this which I would say made a huge difference in the Internet world too. I like the description you used and how the Dot Com bubble created a “railroad” like world. By using outsourcing and insourcing the whole world becomes flat because people can do business in China for a man or woman in Texas. Netscape, outsourcing, and insourcing are a lot alike as you can see and together they changed the world.

  2. I also agree with your saying because netsacpe was one of the biggest steps in making the internet what it is today. It allowed the people of the world to gain the knowledge of what they wanted to learn. The internet is a key factor to a flattening world. I can also see why there are many other companies around the world that have started up because of how successful netscape was. I look at google as the newer netscape because of how it revolutionized the way we look at the internet today. When someone is trying to look for something, they will usually start with a google search. This is something that can be described as in sourcing but it is also something that will eventually be outsourced. It is a factor in making the world a flatter world because this is what the world is coming too. People of the world use the internet everyday which means they are using flatteners everyday.
