Thursday, January 26, 2012

Important Flattener

In my opinion the most important flattener that Friedman came up with was "Netscape goes public on August 9, 1995". With that said we need to look at what has become of businesses, everyday life, learning and much more from the release of the Internet. Personally as far as school work goes it is very convenient to just be able to punch in what you are searching for and boom up comes what you were looking for. My parents always remind me how lucky our generation is to have the Internet because they would have to look everything up in books, and if the book was checked out the library that you needed, you were up a creek without a paddle. One of Friedman's other flatteners talked about how the markets of the world globalized. If we look at even something like that the use of the Internet makes it easy for companies in different countries to communicate on a day to day basis. Things such as Skype that are not now even allow globalized companies to have meetings online visually even if you are in a different country. These advances all came from the original idea of the Internet. Lastly everyday life is impacted by the World Wide Web by many things. First off you can communicate with family or friends on a daily basis by just sending out an email, not everyone has time to talk on the phone all day but an email is a friendly way to say hi whenever you have a free second. Another way that the Internet impacts daily life is by something that is big right now, Social Networking. Social Networking is a major communication tool now and is only getting bigger; companies are even starting to use these methods to contact people that they believe might be a good employer. Currently every junior that is in the PDS class has to register for a Social Networking job site called "LinkedIn", this is a prime example about how these networking mechanisms on the Internet are even becoming versatile in ways many people believed that they would not.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alyssa,
    I agree with your choice of the most important flattener, I chose to write my blog about the same flattener. I read all of your comments about the importance of the internet and agree with all of them. I have most of the same comments and information that you wrote about in your blog. It is really interesting how the internet has bought people closer together. Whether it is email, Skype, Facebook or whatever other similar web sites, people can talk to each other without making a phone call or traveling to see someone. As the internet evolves and plays a larger role in everyone’s lives today, it might be possible to never have to leave our houses again. More and more people are learning about computers and the internet to stay caught up with technology. Today even the 80 year old couples are still trying to keep up with the internet and technology.
